
10 fatos sobre o mês de Elul

10 fatos sobre o mês de Elul

Este mês é referido como o mês de 'misericórdia e perdão'
Elul: O efeito que temos sob os outros

Elul: O efeito que temos sob os outros

Este é o tempo para a mudança, para reforçar o positivo e tomar medidas para alienar o negativo
Parashat Ki Tavo para crianças
Parashat Ki Tavo

Parashat Ki Tavo para crianças

Oops - a pedra bateu na carruagem! Todos ficaram atordoados. Quem ousa jogar uma pedra na carruagem do Rei? O…
Como podemos nos revitalizar espiritualmente neste Elul? 6 idéias para tentar

Como podemos nos revitalizar espiritualmente neste Elul? 6 idéias para tentar

Durante o mês de Elul, os portões do céu estão abertos a quem quer se tornar uma pessoa melhor -…
Elul: Perdão – Rabi Daniel Gefen

Elul: Perdão – Rabi Daniel Gefen

Mesmo que alguém esteja ciente de suas transgressões, não se arrependerá se não conhecer toda a extensão do mal que…
Elul: Caridade começa em casa – R. Yemima Mizrachi

Elul: Caridade começa em casa – R. Yemima Mizrachi

"Se você tem piedade de seus próprios membros da família, Hashem irá abençoá-lo"
Dez coisas importantes para saber sobre Elul, o mês de Selichot

Dez coisas importantes para saber sobre Elul, o mês de Selichot

O mês de Elul é o mês de misericórdia e Selichot. Dez coisas para saber sobre este mês.
Uma Prece para Chodesh Elul

Uma Prece para Chodesh Elul

Veja essa Prece das mães para Chodesh Elul, ela é válida também para Rosh Hashana e no toque do Shofar
Devolvendo a dignidade
Parashat Ree

Devolvendo a dignidade

Como demonstrar nossa apreciação pelo que recebemos do outro funciona como uma forma de restaurar a dignidade da pessoa que…
10 fatos surpreendentes sobre o coração
Saúde e Nutrição

10 fatos surpreendentes sobre o coração

Ele bate cerca de 100.000 vezes por dia, que milagre nós temos todos os dias e momentos de nossas vidas
Pequenos grandes atos de amor
Parashat Ekev

Pequenos grandes atos de amor

Por trás de cada gesto de carinho, há algo muito mais importante e grandioso, o melhor de todos os presentes:…
Ensinamentos de pai para filho
Parashat Ekev

Ensinamentos de pai para filho

Como os pais devem passar as 3 Mitzvót com seus filhos.
O momento mais importante é agora.
Parashat Ekev

O momento mais importante é agora.

Cada segundo de nossas vidas neste mundo é precioso e devemos valorizar cada momento em que estamos vivendo, pois tendo…
Entendendo a mensagem
Parashat Ekev

Entendendo a mensagem

Para que possamos melhorar aspectos do nosso comportamento e não voltar a errar, devemos prestar atenção nos recados e mensagens…
Parashat Ekev para crianças
Crianças Hidabroot

Parashat Ekev para crianças

O homem se levantou e partiu para o palácio. Por um momento ele ficou em silêncio no portão, e no…
Parashat Ekev


Foi então que um barco da guarda costeira apareceu. Todos respiraram aliviados, estavam salvos. O barco encostou ao lado do…
Tefila – trabalho do coração
Parashat Ekev

Tefila – trabalho do coração

"D'us sempre ouve nossas orações, Udi. Sempre sempre! Mesmo se não achamos que ele faz, ele aceita todos e os…
Tisha B’Av – Leis dos 9 Dias e Semana de Tisha B’Av

Tisha B’Av – Leis dos 9 Dias e Semana de Tisha B’Av

Leis dos Nove Dias e a semana de Tisha B'Av de acordo com os judeus sefarditas e asquenazitas
Dez coisas que você não sabia sobre Tisha B’Av.

Dez coisas que você não sabia sobre Tisha B’Av.

Qual é a conexão entre Tisha B'Av e o Holocausto? Por que esse dia vai passar do luto para a…
LEIS SOBRE OS DIAS DE LUTO – as 3 semanas entre 17 de Tamuz até 9 de Av
Leis e costumes judaicos

LEIS SOBRE OS DIAS DE LUTO – as 3 semanas entre 17 de Tamuz até 9 de Av

Casamento e música, Shehecheyanu, cortar cabelo e unhas e mais... Todas as leis de luto, confere aqui.
Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai -Lag BaOmer
A contagem do Omer

Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai -Lag BaOmer

Seu nascimento é contado no livro Nachlat Avot, que seu pai Yohai era oriundo da tribo de Yehudá, e foi…
Os filhos de Korach e a reconstruição do Beit Hamikdash
Parashat Korach

Os filhos de Korach e a reconstruição do Beit Hamikdash

Era uma noite comum de verão em uma cidade do leste europeu. Napoleão Bonaparte, vindo de um dos campos de…
Parashat Pinchas – Cinco irmãs de valor que demonstraram a fé mesmo em momentos difíceis
Parashat Pinchas

Parashat Pinchas – Cinco irmãs de valor que demonstraram a fé mesmo em momentos difíceis

Elas nadaram contra um fluxo de desespero e se comportaram como se estivessem prestes a entrar nos portões da Terra…
O gosto das Mitzvot
Estudo da Torá

O gosto das Mitzvot

Por que devemos cumprir as Mitzvót e costumes que nos foram instruídos?
Santificar o nome de D’us como Ele quer e não como nós queremos
Parashat Beshalach

Santificar o nome de D’us como Ele quer e não como nós queremos

Parashat Hashavua-Parashat Chukat - Uma nação inteira está angustiada sem água. Assim consta na Torá (Bamidbar 20:2) "e não havia…
Fazendo a joia brilhar
Parashat Korach

Fazendo a joia brilhar

- Esta pedra – ensinou o joalheiro – é uma opala, mais conhecida como "joia sentimental". Ela parece opaca e…
A força venenosa da divergência
Parashat Korach

A força venenosa da divergência

E assim disse Korach: "Os filhos de Kehat (o segundo filho de Levi): Amram, Yitzhar, Chevron e Uziel". Amram o…
O fogo das discussões
Parashat Korach

O fogo das discussões

No Shabat, no final da Tefilá de Shacharit, o rabino Isroel Meir HaCohen (Bielorússia, 1838 - Polônia, 1933), mais conhecido…
A manchete está em suas mãos
Sivan Rahav Meir

A manchete está em suas mãos

Trecho Diário, Parashat Shelach
Aprendendo com os erros
Crescimento pessoal

Aprendendo com os erros

Como podemos aprender com os erros para refletir e acertar?
Pintar a verdade de cores – Parashat Shelach lechá
Parashat Shelach Lecha

Pintar a verdade de cores – Parashat Shelach lechá

Contestou o pintor: Meu rei, você pediu um retrato, foi o que eu fiz ... O rei não se acalmou…
Parashat Shelach Lechá – As consequências da falta de auto-estima positiva
Parashat Shelach Lecha

Parashat Shelach Lechá – As consequências da falta de auto-estima positiva

Eles estavam treinando pela manhã porém neste dia, eles aproveitaram bem o dia de treinamento de tiro ao alvo. Os…
A grandeza e a humildade – Parashat Behaalotecha
Estudo da Torá

A grandeza e a humildade – Parashat Behaalotecha

Conectar sua alma à D'us para se tornar cada vez mais humilde.
Reclamar é positivo ou negativo?
Parashat Behaalotecha

Reclamar é positivo ou negativo?

O povo de Israel sacrificam a oferenda de pêssach no segundo ano após a saída do Egito, e aqueles que…
Como o Universo Vem a Existir ? Torá e ciência – A Revolução Iminente: Rabino Zamir Cohen
Ciência e Judaísmo

Como o Universo Vem a Existir ? Torá e ciência – A Revolução Iminente: Rabino Zamir Cohen

Mais um capítulo do livro: "As descobertas de Hubble enfraqueceram totalmente as teorias científicas anteriores acerca da natureza do universo;…
Anestesia Médica – A Revolução Iminente: A Ciência Descobre as Verdades Bíblicas
A Revolução Iminente - Rabino Zamir Cohen

Anestesia Médica – A Revolução Iminente: A Ciência Descobre as Verdades Bíblicas

Anestesia Médica - O Primeiro Registro: Temos um trecho talmúdico, que documenta o uso de anestesia geral durante uma operação…
Ikea e nós
Parashat Tetzaveh

Ikea e nós

Trecho Diário
A imaginação no mundo infantil
Família e educação

A imaginação no mundo infantil

Em relação a proibição de mentir, a Torá não usa expressão negativa como por exemplo, "não comerás, não cobiçarás"; em…
O tolo na farmácia
Parashat Tetzaveh

O tolo na farmácia

O que a Torá quer expressar através deste versículo? Será que não foi entendido na primeira referência à idéia de…
Um, único e especial
Parashat Ki Tissa

Um, único e especial

Rashi explica na parashá,  "o mau olhado está presente em algo contado". Caso uma boas virtude de certa pessoa ou…
O Trecho Diário, Parashat Ki Tisa
Parashat Ki Tissa

O Trecho Diário, Parashat Ki Tisa

Não temos vergonha de sermos lentos - O Trecho Diário, Parashat Ki Tisa - Sivan Rahav-Meir
Educação de crianças
Parashat Tetzaveh

Educação de crianças

Em vez de estarem cheios de energia jovem, animada e ativa, eles olham fixamente para o teto, temem superar os…
O líder
Sivan Rahav Meir

O líder

O líder / O Trecho Diário/ Sivan Rahav-Meir
Em sua memória / Trecho Diário
Parashat Tetzaveh

Em sua memória / Trecho Diário

Em sua memória/Trecho Diário/Sivan Rahav Meir
Generosidade Constante / O Trecho Diário
Parashat Teruma

Generosidade Constante / O Trecho Diário

Generosidade Constante / O Trecho Diário, Parashat Trumá / Sivan Rahav-Meir
Ao Dia da Família / O Trecho Diário
Parashat Teruma

Ao Dia da Família / O Trecho Diário

Ao Dia da Família / O Trecho Diário / Sivan Rahav-Meir
Estou aqui!
Sivan Rahav Meir

Estou aqui!

O Trecho Diário, Parashat Emor
Na véspera de Pessach

Na véspera de Pessach

Na véspera de Pessach, a pessoa deve ocupar-se somente com os preparativos para o seder de Pessach. Mas, O que…
Parashat Pekudei


Certo dia, no café da manhã, Rafael colocou cuidadosamente sobre o prato da sua mãe um papelzinho dobrado. Quando a…
Isso é mitzvá
Sivan Rahav Meir

Isso é mitzvá

O Trecho Diário
Parashat Pecudê – Nome limpo na praça
Parashat Pekudei

Parashat Pecudê – Nome limpo na praça

Depois de descansar da viagem cansativa, o Rebe perguntou a Reb Zalman, onde poderia ficar sozinho para conversar com D'us.…
Em casa
Sivan Rahav Meir

Em casa

O Trecho Diário
Não seja precipitado
Parashat Ki Tissa

Não seja precipitado

Nem sempre, a lógica humana consegue entender a bondade de D'us, por isso precisamos nos lembrar de tomar cuidado ao…
Eleições permanentes

Eleições permanentes

O Trecho Diário
Hilchot Purim

Hilchot Purim

Tudo sobre o dia da festa de Purim
Fazer o Shabat
Shabbat Shalom

Fazer o Shabat

O Trecho Diário
Dar e se conectar
Sivan Rahav Meir

Dar e se conectar

O Trecho Diário
Bom mês
Sivan Rahav Meir

Bom mês

O Trecho Diário
Encontrando seu lugar Ideal – Parashat Teruma
Estudo da Torá

Encontrando seu lugar Ideal – Parashat Teruma

Após o fim da guerra, o Rav Elchanan Wasserman foi para a Polônia e tornou-se o Rosh Yeshivá (Diretor) de…
Inteiro e não pela metade
Parashat Mishpatim

Inteiro e não pela metade

- Por favor, chega de músicas e vamos para o próximo prato de comida! O Sr. Stern olhou para o…
O coração que sente – Parashat Mishpatim
Estudo da Torá

O coração que sente – Parashat Mishpatim

Em certa comunidade judaica na Europa, as famílias pobres não tinham dinheiro para comprar lenha para aquecer suas casas, a…
Sivan Rahav Meir


O Trecho Diário, Parashat Yitro
Yitro -Quem quer receber conselhos do seu sogro? Prashat Yitro
Estudo da Torá

Yitro -Quem quer receber conselhos do seu sogro? Prashat Yitro

Yitro acaba de chegar ao acampamento dos Bnei Israel - e já está começando a dar conselhos. Por que ele…
Leia A porção semanal do maná  – transliterado e traduzido – Segula para sustento
Sidur online

Leia A porção semanal do maná  – transliterado e traduzido – Segula para sustento

Em nome de Rabi Menachem Mendel de Rimanov, é sabido que recitar a porção semnal do maná (duas vezes a…
Comida pronta! Parashat Bo
Crianças Hidabroot

Comida pronta! Parashat Bo

Uma vez um comerciante chamado Meir que chegou ao hotel. Meir morava em uma pequena aldeia e, em geral, não…
Para que precisa mais sensibilidade
Parashat Vaera

Para que precisa mais sensibilidade

- Pai, terminou meu dinheiro!!! Não tenho dinheiro nem mais para comer ou comprar roupas!!! Preciso de dinheiro urgente!!! Carlos…
Judaísmo Acessível – O Judáismo nunca esteve tão próximo de você

Judaísmo Acessível – O Judáismo nunca esteve tão próximo de você

Rashi explica: "Você é mais corajoso e poderoso..." - você deveria ter superado seu irmãos nos cargos do sacerdócio e…
Sivan Rahav Meir


O Trecho Diário
Are Inanimate Objects Alive?

Are Inanimate Objects Alive?

Matter is not what it appears to be. Modern science teaches us that the electrons which are constantly in motion…
Proper Nutrition for the Body and Soul

Proper Nutrition for the Body and Soul

By means of a simple blessing before eating, a person benefits from eating food that’s not only kosher, but also…
Segula (Spiritual Remedy) for Earning a Livelihood

Segula (Spiritual Remedy) for Earning a Livelihood

Here is a list of spiritual remedies which help to earn a livelihood
Cuidado, Tefilin
Sivan Rahav Meir

Cuidado, Tefilin

O Trecho Diário
A força da perseverança
Parashat Beshalach

A força da perseverança

Quando sentimos uma vontade interna de crescer e tomar atitudes que podem mudar nossos rumos, devemos aproveitar esses momentos para…
Indo contra o vento
Parashat Beshalach

Indo contra o vento

Indo contra o vento / O Trecho Diário, Parashat Beshalach / Sivan Rahav-Meir:
Acerto de contas
Parashat Bo

Acerto de contas

Quando Adam viu que seu irmão apanhava muito e com ele não acontecia nada, decidiu trocar de lugar para receber…
Saímos do Egito
Sivan Rahav Meir

Saímos do Egito

Trecho Diário. Parashat Bô
Ele não parou de falar / Trecho Diário
Parashat Vaera

Ele não parou de falar / Trecho Diário

Ele não parou de falar / Trecho Diário - Sh'mot / Sivan Rahav Meir
Crescimento individual e coletivo
Parashat Shemot

Crescimento individual e coletivo

A importância de se preocupar com o próximo. Todos temos objetivos individuais e coletivos para o desenvolvimento da nação.
Parashat Vayechi – A educação no Caminho da Torá
Parashat Vayechi

Parashat Vayechi – A educação no Caminho da Torá

Por ter permanecido distante de seu filho durante 22 anos, Yaacov preocupava-se com o estado espiritual de Yossef (vide parashá anterior). O…
Gotas de óleo
Parashat Vayigash

Gotas de óleo

Em ocasiões onde ocorrem inconvenientes, discussões e desentendimentos devemos ser compreensivos e pacientes.
O Valor da Vida Espiritual
Parashat Vayigash

O Valor da Vida Espiritual

Yossef ficou 22 anos longe de seu pai Yaacov, sem que este tivesse notícia alguma de seu paradeiro. Ao voltarem…
Pequenas Oportunidades para a Gueulá (Redenção) – O Trecho Diário
Parashat Shemot

Pequenas Oportunidades para a Gueulá (Redenção) – O Trecho Diário

Pequenas Oportunidades para a Gueulá (Redenção) / O Trecho Diário, Parashat Shemot / Sivan Rahav-Meir
Leis do acendimento das velas de chanuka
Leis e costumes judaicos

Leis do acendimento das velas de chanuka

Segundo o Shulchan Aruch, não há necessidade que cada um dos membros da família acenda a vela. Basta que somente…


A verdade logo veio à tona: ninguém havia pagado pelo anúncio, ele simplesmente foi colocado lá de forma gratuita pelo…
Heroísmo 2019
Sivan Rahav Meir

Heroísmo 2019

O Trecho Diário
Aprendendo com o mal
Parashat Vayishlach

Aprendendo com o mal

Durante o período de férias eles tiveram uma incrível ideia. Coletaram cerca de cinquenta dólares de cada um dos alunos,…
A luta de Yaakov contra o anjo de Essav – Parashat Vayislach
Parashat Vayishlach

A luta de Yaakov contra o anjo de Essav – Parashat Vayislach

Os comentaristas insistem que Yaakov Avinu voltou para pequenos jarros, pois para os justos, o dinheiro é mais preferível que…
Parashat Shemot – Yir’at Shamáyim – O Temor a D’us
Parashat Shemot

Parashat Shemot – Yir’at Shamáyim – O Temor a D’us

Após a morte de Yossef e de todos seus irmãos, assume o reinado do Egito um novo faraó. Algumas opiniões…
Sente-se ali
Sivan Rahav Meir

Sente-se ali

O Trecho Diário, Parashat Vayishlach
Povo do Livro
Sivan Rahav Meir

Povo do Livro

O Trecho Diário
Saber nosso valor
Sivan Rahav Meir

Saber nosso valor

O Trecho Diário
Yaakov e Essav – Parashat Toldot
Parashat Toldot

Yaakov e Essav – Parashat Toldot

Será que Yitschak não tinha conhecimento dos atos de seu primogênito? Rashi demonstra as artimanhas de Essav para obter a…
Acreditando em milagres
Parashat Toldot

Acreditando em milagres

Somente D'us, o criador de tudo é capaz de realizar milagres e ir contra as leis da natureza que Ele…
Por mais difícil que seja, tudo depende do livre arbítrio
A ética dos pais

Por mais difícil que seja, tudo depende do livre arbítrio

Rachel a princípio era destinada para ser a esposa de Yaakov e Léa para ser a esposa de Essav, e…
Happy Mother of (20) Children

Happy Mother of (20) Children

She gave birth to her 20th yesterday breaking records in Israel
See Pics of New Synagogue in the Western Wall Tunnel

See Pics of New Synagogue in the Western Wall Tunnel

Built by miilionaire Yitzchak Teshuvah it looks breath taking
Get Unstuck!

Get Unstuck!

Don’t let life pass by waiting for something to happen, you make it happen
Watch: Maoz Tzur Melody on a Greek Bouzouki

Watch: Maoz Tzur Melody on a Greek Bouzouki

The talented musician, Chai Motela, presents the famous Hannukah melody of Maoz Tzur on Greek bouzouki. Enjoy this wonderful musical…
The Secret of the Dreidel

The Secret of the Dreidel

The dreidel. The top our children play with on Hanukkah. So seemingly insignificant - and yet this little dreidel contains…
Abu Mazen Visits S. Arabia in Wake of Trump’s Jerusalem Recognition

Abu Mazen Visits S. Arabia in Wake of Trump’s Jerusalem Recognition

An Israeli Bus company will compensate woman locked into bus luggage compartment with her baby
Watch: Mike Pence explains Why the U.S Stands by Israel

Watch: Mike Pence explains Why the U.S Stands by Israel

“Jerusalem is the eternal home of the Jewish People - Israel is our most cherished ally in the world”. Vice…
Hanukkah – Show Me the Light

Hanukkah – Show Me the Light

On Hanukkah you can more readily see G-d's light
How Dangerous are Smartphones?

How Dangerous are Smartphones?

Dangerous enough to hide the information from the public for 8 years
Funny Animals: Incredible Pictures from National Geographic

Funny Animals: Incredible Pictures from National Geographic

10 hilarious images from the National Geographic competition for wildlife photography. Who wins in your opinion? Wonders of Creation
Hidabroot Women’s Rally Photo Gallery

Hidabroot Women’s Rally Photo Gallery

An inspiring rally to a sellout crowd
Watch Hanukkah Candles At Soccer Game

Watch Hanukkah Candles At Soccer Game

Listen to the entire stadium sing Maoz Tzur
The Jewish Secret of Revenge

The Jewish Secret of Revenge

Hanukkah lessons that apply to terror in Israel and every adversity
Asher’s Hanukkah Miracle

Asher’s Hanukkah Miracle

The Hanukkah song Maoz Tzur saved him
A Woman is a Hanukkiah of Light that Adds More Light Each Day

A Woman is a Hanukkiah of Light that Adds More Light Each Day

If you’re radiant the whole house lights up, but if you’re feeling low you lower the house with you
Miracle Accidents – Fascinating Gallery

Miracle Accidents – Fascinating Gallery

Miracles happen every day, you just have to open your eyes and see them: People share pictures from miracles that…
Street in Nazareth Illith to be Named after Rabbi Shteinman

Street in Nazareth Illith to be Named after Rabbi Shteinman

Rioters were arrested last night for violence and disturbances
IDF Confiscates Literature Inciting to Terror

IDF Confiscates Literature Inciting to Terror

Hanukkah candle lighting at Berlin's Victory Arch
How should a Man Relate to his Wife? Letter of the Chazon Ish

How should a Man Relate to his Wife? Letter of the Chazon Ish

What is the secret to pleasing your wife? Rabbi Zamir Cohen expounds on the holy words of the Chazon Ish…
Israel Attacks Hamas Targets in Gaza

Israel Attacks Hamas Targets in Gaza

10 missiles were launched from Gaza and this is to retaliate
A Total Turnaround- If I Can Do It You Can Too!

A Total Turnaround- If I Can Do It You Can Too!

“One Hanukkah I was divorced, really overweight and hopeless and crying; the next Hanukkah I was happily remarried”
Rabbi Shteinman’s Last Will and Testament Read at his Graveside

Rabbi Shteinman’s Last Will and Testament Read at his Graveside

His genuine humility was astounding, he really believed himself just a regular person
“The Jewish Nation Lost Its Central Spiritual Lighthouse”

“The Jewish Nation Lost Its Central Spiritual Lighthouse”

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Words of Eulogy for Rabbi Shteinman
Gallery of the Life of Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman Zt “l Of Blessed Memory

Gallery of the Life of Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman Zt “l Of Blessed Memory

Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman Zt "l Of Blessed Memory, passed away at the age of 104. The giant leader carried…
Photos of Rabbi Shteinman’s Funeral

Photos of Rabbi Shteinman’s Funeral

See photos of the thousands who came to pay their last respects
Hanukkah – Tap into the Light

Hanukkah – Tap into the Light

Why did it take the Rabbis a whole year to announce the holiday of Chanukah? In this short video, Rabbi…
Baruch Dayan HaEmet: Gadol Hador, Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman Passed Away This Morning

Baruch Dayan HaEmet: Gadol Hador, Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman Passed Away This Morning

The Funeral will leave from his house on 5 Chazon Ish Street in Bnei Brak at 12:00 noon Israel time
First Baby Boy Named After Rabbi Shteinman this Morning

First Baby Boy Named After Rabbi Shteinman this Morning

Rabbi Chaim Feinstein who gave the name at the brit burst into tears
Watch: Skydive from Mountaintop into Moving Plane

Watch: Skydive from Mountaintop into Moving Plane

Jumping from an airplane to the ground is a relatively simple and familiar procedure, thoug how do you jump from…
Days of Wrath

Days of Wrath

The anger and incitement to terror including from Arab MK's continues
The Eternal Spark in Every Jew

The Eternal Spark in Every Jew

Get yours to burn bright this Hanukkah
The 24th of Kislev (The Day before Hanukkah) is Special

The 24th of Kislev (The Day before Hanukkah) is Special

The foundations of the Second Temple were laid on this day  
The Dreidel’s Message

The Dreidel’s Message

What secret messages are hidden inside it?
Watch Wonders of Creation: Lions vs. Pangolin

Watch Wonders of Creation: Lions vs. Pangolin

The Creator of the Universe designed the Pangolin with a ‘coat of armor’ that protects it from predators. It curls…
Burn 500 Calories in One Minute

Burn 500 Calories in One Minute

Watch this young man do it, Just on time for Hannukah
President Trump’s White House Hanukkah Party

President Trump’s White House Hanukkah Party

President Trump hosted a very warm Hanukkah party
How to Get Out of Financial Strain

How to Get Out of Financial Strain

The Rabbi’s advice was not conventional but it worked and will work for us too
Happiness 101

Happiness 101

How do you define happiness? If you can't define it how do you know you're happy?
Eat Now Pay Later

Eat Now Pay Later

Only one Jelly doughnut a day can't harm can it?
Netanyahu Will Meet European Leaders Today

Netanyahu Will Meet European Leaders Today

Czechoslovakia also recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
8 Facts about the 19th of Kislev

8 Facts about the 19th of Kislev

What’s it all about? Find out in this article
How to Detect a Stroke and Minimize its Damage

How to Detect a Stroke and Minimize its Damage

You can save someone’s life with some basic knowledge
250 Rabbis Thank Trump for Standing Up For Jerusalem and Israel  

250 Rabbis Thank Trump for Standing Up For Jerusalem and Israel  

They all support his brave step which is not politically correct but really correct
Rare and Beautiful Fish Spotted in Eilat’s Coral Reef

Rare and Beautiful Fish Spotted in Eilat’s Coral Reef

Bright Yellow with a diamond pattern it’s called the pineapple or pinecone fish
What Will You Do for the Future of the Jewish People?

What Will You Do for the Future of the Jewish People?

Yes you!! Your decision about this can be life changing for yourself and all of our Nation
Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration: World Leaders Join Arabs in Anti Trump Chorus

Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration: World Leaders Join Arabs in Anti Trump Chorus

They all denounced the historical fact that Jerusalem is capital of the Jewish Nation
Today Trump will Announce the US Embassy Move to Jerusalem

Today Trump will Announce the US Embassy Move to Jerusalem

Trump will recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the Arabs declared 3 days of wrath
The Morally Destructive Face of Evolution

The Morally Destructive Face of Evolution

The decision to have faith in evolution is the same decision to deny G-d
The Most Expensive Kippah in the World

The Most Expensive Kippah in the World

It has thousands of crystals and a 2 carat diamond in it
You Can Have All the Knowledge of the World For $60!

You Can Have All the Knowledge of the World For $60!

The Torah is the wisdom of G-d Himself and it's readily available
A Young Woman’s Post about Anxiety Gets over 420,000 Shares!

A Young Woman’s Post about Anxiety Gets over 420,000 Shares!

Her description of anxiety gave words to thousands suffering from it who couldn’t express it
Scarlet Fever is Making a Comeback

Scarlet Fever is Making a Comeback

Why it disappeared is a mystery and why it came back is a bigger mystery
Trump is Hesitant about Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem

Trump is Hesitant about Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem

Unfortunately, backing down or sitting on the fence is a reward to terror
An Island of Shabbat in a Sea of Politics

An Island of Shabbat in a Sea of Politics

The participants of the Saban Forum noticed and admired it
Answering Scientific Questions

Answering Scientific Questions

There are answers to many questions in science and they are not out of your reach
Standing Up to the Challenge

Standing Up to the Challenge

In this short clip, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser reveals to us how we can find our true purpose in life
Watch Now!!! Hidabroot Special Hanukkah Broadcast ’Spreading the Flames’

Watch Now!!! Hidabroot Special Hanukkah Broadcast ’Spreading the Flames’

A festive Hanukkah Candle Lighting each night of Hanukkah hosted by Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser
Is a Cure for Alzheimer’s Here?

Is a Cure for Alzheimer’s Here?

Researchers in Oxford University think so
Israel, Pray for Rain

Israel, Pray for Rain

Israeli Chief Rabbi David Lau asks the people of Israel to pray for rain
Prayer for Rain with Translation

Prayer for Rain with Translation

This is the prayer for rain to be said when rains don't come until Kislev in Israel
Trump Will Announce US Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

Trump Will Announce US Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

Hamas sent negotiators to Cairo to discuss exchanging prisoners with Israel
Enhancing Your Mitzvah

Enhancing Your Mitzvah

Know what you're doing when you do a mitzvah
Good Old Fashioned Russian Anti-Semitism Rears its Ugly Head

Good Old Fashioned Russian Anti-Semitism Rears its Ugly Head

"We'll see if the Jews didn't kill Czar Nicholas for religious purposes"
Watch – The Largest Rubik’s Cube in the World

Watch – The Largest Rubik’s Cube in the World

See how this guy solves ridiculously complicated Rubik’s cube. Gone Viral
Who Packs Your Parachute? – 3 Minutes on Gratitude

Who Packs Your Parachute? – 3 Minutes on Gratitude

An inspiring clip on the importance of expressing gratitude to all those around us
The Path to Happiness in Married Life

The Path to Happiness in Married Life

A married couple that has internalized the fact that they are not identical and do not, and are not supposed…
Doing it Yourself – The Two Phases of Life

Doing it Yourself – The Two Phases of Life

Watch a fascinating clip illustrating the kabbalistic patterns and phases in life, with Rabbi Akiva Tatz
North Korea Tested another Ballistic Missile

North Korea Tested another Ballistic Missile

Israeli UN Resolution Gets Major Backing
Hanukkah – Paving the Way to the Light

Hanukkah – Paving the Way to the Light

What Do the 8 Nights of Hanukkah Symbolize? What message do they tell us?
Why Do We Make Kiddush on Shabbat

Why Do We Make Kiddush on Shabbat

Rabbi Lauffer tells us how it works
Gallery: Fascinating Images of Nature in Japan

Gallery: Fascinating Images of Nature in Japan

A photographer named Kunito Imai presents a unique and mesmerizing gallery of nature in Japan. Wonders of Creation
Man is where His Thoughts Are

Man is where His Thoughts Are

What is Judaism’s take on the power of thought? Fascinating insight based on the words of the Holy Baál Shem…
Is There Life After Death?

Is There Life After Death?

How does it work? Is there a male soul and a female soul?
The Secret to Success

The Secret to Success

What is the key most of us are missing to succeed in life? In this short video, Mr. Charlie Harary…
Animals Vs. Drone

Animals Vs. Drone

What happens when animals encounter a strange creature called a ‘drone’? Collection of interesting videos
“You Remind Me of my Son That Died in Iraq”

“You Remind Me of my Son That Died in Iraq”

Now I knew why the policeman stopped me…
Keeping Our Children within the Fold

Keeping Our Children within the Fold

Why do our kids go "off the derech" and what can we do to stop them? In this short video,…
Over 300 Killed in Sinai Terror Attack

Over 300 Killed in Sinai Terror Attack

MK Litzman quits being Heath Minister because the Israel Railway Company desecrated Shabbat
The Keys to Helping Teens At-Risk

The Keys to Helping Teens At-Risk

Renowned Family therapist Rabbi Schonbuch invites MASK for a discussion to help us deal with this
Yaakov’s Dream, Vayetze All Rapped Up

Yaakov’s Dream, Vayetze All Rapped Up

Welcome all to the house of Hashem
Israel is Not An Occupier

Israel is Not An Occupier

A Kuwaiti writer tells all who want to hear that Israel is a legitimate state
What is the Most Important Principle in Building Marital Harmony?

What is the Most Important Principle in Building Marital Harmony?

"If couples would only put as much effort into working on their relationship after the wedding as they do before…
Rabbi Shteinman’s Condition has Dramatically Improved

Rabbi Shteinman’s Condition has Dramatically Improved

He is feeling somewhat better but the public should continue to pray for him
The Power of Love

The Power of Love

Loving someone else is linked to loving ourselves and connecting to our G-dly soul inside us
Shabbat is Not Up For Negotiation

Shabbat is Not Up For Negotiation

Trump’s leaks to Lavrov compromised Israel’s intelligence organizations
Trump and Putin Had an Hour Long Phone Conversation on Tuesday

Trump and Putin Had an Hour Long Phone Conversation on Tuesday

Hariri renounced his resignation and spoke of restoring stability to the region
Can Quantum Physics Prove G-d?

Can Quantum Physics Prove G-d?

Quantum physics teaches us we don't really know what we thought we knew
Go Straight to G-d with Your Problems

Go Straight to G-d with Your Problems

He’s the only one that can really help
Watch how this Independent Bird Manages just by Himself

Watch how this Independent Bird Manages just by Himself

“Should I wait for somebody to bring me the ladder? Na, I’ll just do it myself.” Gone viral
Gallery: 27 Finalists of the National Geographic Competition

Gallery: 27 Finalists of the National Geographic Competition

Every year photographers from around the world send their best pictures to the prestigious National Geographic photography competition. The pictures…
No More than a Whisper – The Best Date Ever

No More than a Whisper – The Best Date Ever

In this short clip, Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares with us eye-opening advice on how to create an intimate moment with…
Man, Space & Time – Three Levels of Unity

Man, Space & Time – Three Levels of Unity

I've got to do it myself, but not for myself and do it now...
The World is Beautiful in Black and White

The World is Beautiful in Black and White

Ilona's breathtaking pictures went viral you'll agree they're special when you see them
Shemoneh Esrei – First Blessing – Foundations – Part 2

Shemoneh Esrei – First Blessing – Foundations – Part 2

Rabbi Menachem Nissel gives us the tools to make your prayers personal, relevant and focused
Winter Comes to Israel, Snow on Mount Hermon

Winter Comes to Israel, Snow on Mount Hermon

Pentagon cyber security breach leaks thousands of secret documents
Everything’s Coming Apart! What Do I Do Now?

Everything’s Coming Apart! What Do I Do Now?

Just know everyone has problems even the ones who seem to ‘have it made’
Israel Launches National Nursing Care Program

Israel Launches National Nursing Care Program

50 killed in a suicide bombing attack in a Nigerian mosque
Israeli Woman Diagnosed with Cancer at 92 is Doing Fine at 97!

Israeli Woman Diagnosed with Cancer at 92 is Doing Fine at 97!

Esther Wachsman is a true fighter and says: “We’ve got to live; we can’t give up”
Drone Captures Awesome Footage of Man Climbing High Tower

Drone Captures Awesome Footage of Man Climbing High Tower

Are you scared of heights? Well you may want to think twice after seeing this clip. Gone viral
The Arab League Declared Hezbollah a Terror Organization

The Arab League Declared Hezbollah a Terror Organization

IDF soldier hit by stray fire from the Egyptian border
Shemoneh Esrei – First Blessing – Foundations – Part 1

Shemoneh Esrei – First Blessing – Foundations – Part 1

Remember you're standing before G-d then your prayers will be meaningful
Rosh Chodesh – Rising Above Physicality

Rosh Chodesh – Rising Above Physicality

Our mission as Jews is to rise above our physicality
Special Rosh Chodesh Kislev Prayer From the Ben Ish Chai

Special Rosh Chodesh Kislev Prayer From the Ben Ish Chai

Today is an auspicious time to ask G-d for all your needs
Did Dinosaurs Exist according to the Torah?

Did Dinosaurs Exist according to the Torah?

What does Judaism say about dinosaurs? Do the findings of giant reptile fossils contradict the Torah?
Watch more Wonders of Creation: Leaf or Insect?

Watch more Wonders of Creation: Leaf or Insect?

Watch this amazing video that will awaken feelings of gratitude to G-d for His wondrous creation. Gone viral
Watch: Fastest Car breaks World Record

Watch: Fastest Car breaks World Record

A Koenigsegg car travelled at an average of 277.9 mph in two top speed runs, breaking the record for world's…
Bill Gates’ Future Smart City

Bill Gates’ Future Smart City

Called Belmont, it’ll be near Phoenix Arizona and be chock full of the latest technologies
Watch: The Cops came Flying – But where the Criminals?

Watch: The Cops came Flying – But where the Criminals?

Looks like these criminals are dead ducks, though it seems like it was their lucky day. Gone viral
Ya’akov and Esav -Toldot All Rapped Up

Ya’akov and Esav -Toldot All Rapped Up

What are the differences between Yaakov and Eisav?
Watch: Laughter the Best Medicine

Watch: Laughter the Best Medicine

Want to have a good laugh? Join this happy kid as he explodes from laughter when his father blows dandelion…
Watch: Fish Devours Bird above Water

Watch: Fish Devours Bird above Water

This fish calculates the direction and speed of the bird's flight, and leaps for its meal just at the right…
The Ancient Bloggers

The Ancient Bloggers

Lashon Hara is insidious, avoid it at all costs
G-d is Always There to Catch You

G-d is Always There to Catch You

G-d is the place of the world and brings stability to our lives when things are down
Doug Dietz Made Children’s MRI Scans Something They Enjoy Instead of Fearing

Doug Dietz Made Children’s MRI Scans Something They Enjoy Instead of Fearing

The mechanical designer saw the MRI machine through the eyes of a child and changed the whole experience
High Alert in Towns Around Gaza

High Alert in Towns Around Gaza

Iranian presence on Israel’s borders is a menace Israel won’t put up with
Researchers from Tel Aviv U and Technion Reversed “Irreversible” Paralysis

Researchers from Tel Aviv U and Technion Reversed “Irreversible” Paralysis

Stem-Cell treatment reversed the paralysis, sense of feeling and complex motor function of paralyzed laboratory rats
Michal Solomon Spoke with Senior Congressmen and Senators

Michal Solomon Spoke with Senior Congressmen and Senators

Israel proposed humanitarian aid to Iran after their earthquake which Iran graciously declined
Iran-Iraq Earthquake Death Count Up to 407 and 6700 wounded

Iran-Iraq Earthquake Death Count Up to 407 and 6700 wounded

IDF confiscates terror funding and Islamic Jihad military wing is on high alert
G-d Please Open my Lips

G-d Please Open my Lips

If you were ever dumbstruck from seeing someone famous you'll know what this means
Be Prepared

Be Prepared

It’s more than a Boy Scouts motto; it’s the Jewish way to live
Watch: Who said Bears don’t Spend Quality Family Time?

Watch: Who said Bears don’t Spend Quality Family Time?

Do bears swim? This exclusive footage proves that they do. Gone viral
The late Yitzchak Rabin Speaks about his Encounter with the Lubavitcher Rebbe

The late Yitzchak Rabin Speaks about his Encounter with the Lubavitcher Rebbe

The JEM media network releases amazing documentation of the late Yitzchak Rabin, former Israeli prime minister, in which he talks…
10 Tips to Protect Yourself from Winter Colds

10 Tips to Protect Yourself from Winter Colds

Where do germs hide? How often should I change my linens or towels? Here are 10 tips to prevent the…
Over 200 Killed and 2,000 Wounded in Iran-Iraq Border Earthquake

Over 200 Killed and 2,000 Wounded in Iran-Iraq Border Earthquake

Saudi Arabia asks Arab League to convene special meeting this coming Sunday
Former Miss Israel Got Engaged at Western Wall

Former Miss Israel Got Engaged at Western Wall

She says yes to mitzvot and she said yes to her fiancé
Mom, You’re the Best!”

Mom, You’re the Best!”

A sign on the door of a pediatrician in Spain goes viral for a good reason
The Universe is Finely Tuned

The Universe is Finely Tuned

Every constant and quantity discovered by scientists make the universe something that could only be fine tuned
Israeli Judo Master Prays in Marrakesh Synagogue

Israeli Judo Master Prays in Marrakesh Synagogue

Uri Sasson took time to pray for success on his way to the world judo championship in Morocco  
Thousands Accompany the Father of Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi, on his Last Journey

Thousands Accompany the Father of Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi, on his Last Journey

Baruch Dayan HaEmet: The funeral of Rabbi Eliyahu Natan Rothschild, the father of Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi, is being held at…
An Unexpected Visit from the Police

An Unexpected Visit from the Police

If I was so afraid of the police, how will I feel before G-d?
Anti-Israel Protests at Hebrew U in Jerusalem

Anti-Israel Protests at Hebrew U in Jerusalem

“Uproot the conquest; The Golan Heights belongs to Syria” etc.
Israel Shoots Down Syrian Drone

Israel Shoots Down Syrian Drone

Trump moving toward Israel PA peace initiative
Closing a Circle; Doctor Treats Man Who Saved Him from Abortion

Closing a Circle; Doctor Treats Man Who Saved Him from Abortion

Dr. Carasso from the Rambam Hospital is grateful to his patient to whom he owes his existence
A Group of 15 Year Old Girls Sew Blankets for Preemies in Neo-Natal Ward

A Group of 15 Year Old Girls Sew Blankets for Preemies in Neo-Natal Ward

They lovingly thought of others battling for their babies’ lives instead of shooting ‘selfies’ all day
Chayei Sarah, All Rapped Up

Chayei Sarah, All Rapped Up

What's the significance of the Machpela Caves in Hebron?
How Do You Prevent the Elderly from Falling?

How Do You Prevent the Elderly from Falling?

The Ministry of Health launched a campaign against osteoporosis and preventing seniors from falling
Watch: Doctors Said she won’t Walk & have Children – She Didn’t Give Up

Watch: Doctors Said she won’t Walk & have Children – She Didn’t Give Up

She was chosen as one of the 30 most influential people in the world, for a good reason: After becoming…
Watch: Funny Animal Clips that will Make you Smile

Watch: Funny Animal Clips that will Make you Smile

How does a cat scratch its back? Who gave the dog a license? A sequence of animal videos that will…
85% of Trump Voters Would Do It Again

85% of Trump Voters Would Do It Again

Israel receives 2 more F-35 Adir stealth planes
Become a King – Rule over Yourself

Become a King – Rule over Yourself

If you can't control yourself you don't have what it takes to lead
Let’s Light Up Our Chanukah in Jerusalem

Let’s Light Up Our Chanukah in Jerusalem

A day of women’s empowerment just for you! Reserve your ticket now
“I Won’t Disturb My Wife Come What May”

“I Won’t Disturb My Wife Come What May”

“Working on my anger brought salvation to our lives”
Why Lychee Can be Fatal for Children

Why Lychee Can be Fatal for Children

It can cause profound hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) leading to convulsions and death
This Deal is Too Good to Turn Down

This Deal is Too Good to Turn Down

You can do it but you’ll see no blessing from it
Collection of Pictures that will make you Think Twice

Collection of Pictures that will make you Think Twice

These photos were taken exactly, at the right time and place. Check out the results. More brilliant than you think
Achieving Unity When it Seems Impossible

Achieving Unity When it Seems Impossible

Ahavat Israel Love for our fellow Jew is the key
Woman Posted in Favor of “Mother Rachel” Over Rabin and Was Blocked by Facebook

Woman Posted in Favor of “Mother Rachel” Over Rabin and Was Blocked by Facebook

I’d rather teach my children about our Mother Rachel’s heritage instead of Rabin’s heritage
See How Teens Respond to a Bride and Groom Stuck in Traffic

See How Teens Respond to a Bride and Groom Stuck in Traffic

A bride and groom returning home after their wedding; got stuck in a traffic jam in Jerusalem. Yeshiva students in…
Saudi Arabia is Not Happy with Iran

Saudi Arabia is Not Happy with Iran

Israeli Shekel is world’s 2nd strongest currency
Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger: My Story

Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger: My Story

I wasn't always the rabbi with the long beard, I started off far from it
Vitamin D Helps Heal Burns

Vitamin D Helps Heal Burns

It also prevents the forming of scar tissue
Dog Saves Family from Anti-Semitic Arson Attack in Paris

Dog Saves Family from Anti-Semitic Arson Attack in Paris

Their Anti-Semitic Muslim neighbor is the prime suspect
“All Arab Countries Should Be Like Israel”

“All Arab Countries Should Be Like Israel”

Says Dima, a young Israeli Arab Muslim woman to an Arab TV Program host
Watch: Rubik’s Cube Pro in Action

Watch: Rubik’s Cube Pro in Action

See how this teenager excels in blindfolded ‘speed-cubing’. Incredible
100% Emunah – Faith

100% Emunah – Faith

This is our number 1 test
A Peeling Mask Made from Tomatoes?

A Peeling Mask Made from Tomatoes?

This exfoliating mask will cleanse and brighten your complexion
Vayera – All Rapped Up – Be a Giver

Vayera – All Rapped Up – Be a Giver

Rabbi Yossi Kantor raps up Vayera
Domestic Peace Means Understanding Your Spouse’s World

Domestic Peace Means Understanding Your Spouse’s World

When you think of what your spouse is going through you’ll empathize and connect
What Keeps Us From Becoming Great?

What Keeps Us From Becoming Great?

We do it to ourselves but how?
Why the Hollywood Scandals Validate My Decision to Leave Acting

Why the Hollywood Scandals Validate My Decision to Leave Acting

I did not want to risk my shot of one day building a beautiful marriage and a healthy home, something…
Who is Hashem? What Does “Hashem” Mean?

Who is Hashem? What Does “Hashem” Mean?

What can we fully grasp about Hashem? Who is Hashem – Really? A simple and Kabbalistic explanation by Rabbi Nachum…
Does the Torah Contradict Science?

Does the Torah Contradict Science?

How do we reconcile differences? Do we need to?
Hungry? Count 47 Seconds and your Pizza is on the Way

Hungry? Count 47 Seconds and your Pizza is on the Way

Incredible: How do you make a pizza in 47 seconds? See how ‘Speedy Simon’ manages to prepare pizza in record-breaking…
3 Killed in Wal-Mart Shooting in Colorado

3 Killed in Wal-Mart Shooting in Colorado

Israeli Planes Bomb Syrian Weapons Plant
Watch: Animal Brotherhood – When Animals Help the Weak

Watch: Animal Brotherhood – When Animals Help the Weak

Watch awesome footage of animals defending the weak. Must see
Gallery: When Nature meets Photography

Gallery: When Nature meets Photography

Look through a gorgeous collection of nature images from 2017. Wonders of Creation
Terror in New York on Westway Bike Path

Terror in New York on Westway Bike Path

Thousands of apartments to be built on Tel Hashomer Hospital land parcel
What Does Shabbat Mean to You?

What Does Shabbat Mean to You?

Here's what it means to the man on the street
Watch: Unfriendly Elephants in Action

Watch: Unfriendly Elephants in Action

What would you do if you met an elephant in the middle of the street? People in the video didn’t…
3 Indictments in Trump Campaign Probe

3 Indictments in Trump Campaign Probe

Catalonian president flees to Belgium after Spain indicts him with rebellion charge
Jared Kushner Secretly Visits Saudi Arabia   

Jared Kushner Secretly Visits Saudi Arabia   

US military analysts discuss Hezbollah missile capabilities with Israel
Scarlett Johansson Found Her Roots and Couldn’t Stop Crying

Scarlett Johansson Found Her Roots and Couldn’t Stop Crying

Her Grandfather’s whole family was wiped out in the Warsaw Ghetto
“I Only Knew He Was Muslim After We Began Our Relationship”

“I Only Knew He Was Muslim After We Began Our Relationship”

Opal Inbar says that only by accident she found out her boyfriend was Muslim
Watch: River Overflows its Banks

Watch: River Overflows its Banks

See what it looks like when a rivers overflows. Gone viral
Lech Lecha: Abraham’s Trials ‘All Rapped Up’

Lech Lecha: Abraham’s Trials ‘All Rapped Up’

Rabbi Kantor summarizes the beginning of parshat Lech Lecha in rap style
The Undersea World

The Undersea World

See G-d's wondrous sea creatures an many shapes colors and forms.
Chosen Nation: G-d Gave the Torah Only To Us; Isn’t That Discrimination? Part 3

Chosen Nation: G-d Gave the Torah Only To Us; Isn’t That Discrimination? Part 3

The nations though moving slowly towards increased morality will be rewarded for their efforts
Learn the Power of Unity from Budgies

Learn the Power of Unity from Budgies

As a Group they are much more effective in all they do
A Drink will Help Shrink Abdominal Fat?

A Drink will Help Shrink Abdominal Fat?

This is a winning formula along with some other tips to fight obesity
Yemima Mizrachi on The International Challah Baking

Yemima Mizrachi on The International Challah Baking

Rabbanit Yemima warms up the heart explaining to women what baking Challah is all about
President Rivlin and the Supreme Court vs. the Knesset

President Rivlin and the Supreme Court vs. the Knesset

“We are witnessing the weakening of the guardians of democracy... The Supreme Court”
No One Came to His Birthday Party

No One Came to His Birthday Party

But the whole restaurant was happy to cheer him up
US Sends another Carrier Strike Group to the China Sea

US Sends another Carrier Strike Group to the China Sea

Unrest in Iran As people lose their life savings to government theft
America Prepares For Nuclear War

America Prepares For Nuclear War

2 major newspapers speak out against cell phones
Technology vs. Emotional Health

Technology vs. Emotional Health

Technology is winning and our emotional health is losing big time
The Easy Way to Remove a Splinter

The Easy Way to Remove a Splinter

A resourceful mother relieves her daughter’s pain with a brilliant idea
A Masterclass in True Happiness

A Masterclass in True Happiness

We all have the tools to reach true happiness
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s Message: Make Sure Your Home is Peaceful

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s Message: Make Sure Your Home is Peaceful

“Stringencies taken on by novices have nothing to do with Halacha and can cause domestic strife”
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, We Miss You!

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, We Miss You!

A letter of longing to the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
How can I Stop Being a Show Off?

How can I Stop Being a Show Off?

There’s hope if you thank G-d for what He gave you
Jews of England, It’s time to Pack Our Bags

Jews of England, It’s time to Pack Our Bags

“The question is not ‘if’ to leave England it’s ‘when’ to leave”
Don’t Become the Next Victim of Human Trafficking

Don’t Become the Next Victim of Human Trafficking

An innocent sign can be your one way ticket to disappearing from all those near and dear to you
Syria Launches 4 Rockets into Israel on Shabbat

Syria Launches 4 Rockets into Israel on Shabbat

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s 4th Yohrzeit (Hilula) tonight
Loving Your Children Equally

Loving Your Children Equally

Playing favorites is bad for your children, unconditional love is what they need
“Israel Can’t Attack Syria Whenever It Wants”

“Israel Can’t Attack Syria Whenever It Wants”

Knesset proposals to increase minimum wages and elderly stipend in Israel
Payday Will Come

Payday Will Come

You just need to wait a little bit longer but it's worth it
Did G-d Send Us a Message from the California Fires?

Did G-d Send Us a Message from the California Fires?

“The fire burns but the bush is not consumed”… (Exodus 3,2)
Mayim Bialik Thinks Modesty Protects a Woman

Mayim Bialik Thinks Modesty Protects a Woman

But some people attacked her for what they perceive as submission and victim blaming
Noah and the Ark All ’Rapped Up’

Noah and the Ark All ’Rapped Up’

Rabbi Kantor 'raps' the first chapters of parshat Noach, including the commentary of Rashi
Anne Frank Halloween Costume Denounced By ADL

Anne Frank Halloween Costume Denounced By ADL

IDF and GSS close 8 broadcasting stations spreading incitement for terror and murder
To Be or Not to Be, That is the Question

To Be or Not to Be, That is the Question

I do good things, isn’t that enough? Must I also be good?
Watch – Former Member of Hamas Defends Israel at UN Human Rights Council

Watch – Former Member of Hamas Defends Israel at UN Human Rights Council

After a number of speeches by state representatives against Israel, the council members were stunned to hear Musab Hassan Yousef…
How Do We Deal With the Challenges of Our Generation?

How Do We Deal With the Challenges of Our Generation?

The confusion is overwhelming and the trials are so great it seems that everything is coming apart
“Nuclear War Can Break Out at Any Moment”

“Nuclear War Can Break Out at Any Moment”

North Korean UN deputy ambassador clearly threatens the US at the UN
Say “Yes” to Shabbat

Say “Yes” to Shabbat

Shabbat looks way different from the inside
Social Media Encourages Anorexia

Social Media Encourages Anorexia

Exeter University in the UK found this additional negative influence of social media in their recent study
True Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

True Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Where can you find true life, liberty and the true pursuit of happiness?
“How Can I Stop Being So Hard on Myself?”

“How Can I Stop Being So Hard on Myself?”

“I’m only human, so why do I unrealistically expect I will always behave like an angel?”
Winter Rains Come Back To Israel

Winter Rains Come Back To Israel

California winds die down and firefighters take control of fires
Why Should I Listen to the Rabbis?

Why Should I Listen to the Rabbis?

What gives them their authority?
California Fire Death Toll Reaches 40

California Fire Death Toll Reaches 40

Trump deals with Iran and North Korea threats
The Woman According To Kabbalah

The Woman According To Kabbalah

What do her innate abilities have to do with the ‘World of Doing (Asiyah)”?
Watch: Jewish Actor Adam Sandler Reciting the Blessing On The Lulav & Etrog

Watch: Jewish Actor Adam Sandler Reciting the Blessing On The Lulav & Etrog

Adam Sandler & his daughter making a blessing on the lulav & etrog at a Chabad Stand. Chabad of Brentwood,…
Creation All “Rapped” Up

Creation All “Rapped” Up

If you like Torah and Rap you'll love this
Coming Soon – The Shabbat Project 2017

Coming Soon – The Shabbat Project 2017

It's been five years since the first Shabbat Project – five years of uniting on an unprecedented scale around our…
The Joy of Simchat Torah

The Joy of Simchat Torah

What is the true joy of Simchat Torah?
Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah – The Joy of Torah

Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah – The Joy of Torah

What is the significance and purpose of this holy day?
Bereishit – Keeping the Negative Inclination at Bay

Bereishit – Keeping the Negative Inclination at Bay

What is the secret to conquering the evil inclination?
Western Wall Sukkot Birkat Cohanim Photo Album

Western Wall Sukkot Birkat Cohanim Photo Album

See the thousands receiving the priestly blessings at the Western Wall on Sunday morning of Sukkot
Never Underestimate Yourself

Never Underestimate Yourself

G-d believes in you, do you believe in yourself?
Why Stick to the Truth?

Why Stick to the Truth?

Maimonides tells us what we gain from sticking to the truth and living according to it
Avraham Fried – New Hit Single from the Prayer for Rain

Avraham Fried – New Hit Single from the Prayer for Rain

This new release comes from the words of the 'Prayer for Rain', recited during the Musaf service on the eighth…
Hoshana Rabbah, a Stairway to Heaven

Hoshana Rabbah, a Stairway to Heaven

Rabbi Sinclair explains how Hoshana Rabbah provides the opportunity for us to go beyond ourselves
Sukkot – Satisfaction of the Soul

Sukkot – Satisfaction of the Soul

How are Megillat Kohelet and Sukkot connected? Being too strongly attached to the physical world prevents the true attainment of…
Rain on Sukkot?

Rain on Sukkot?

What does it mean when our Sukkot meal is rained out?
How Can the 4 Species Help Me Find My Inner Light?

How Can the 4 Species Help Me Find My Inner Light?

The 4 species are 4 types of people but you can have all 4 types inside you too
Watch: Bridge in the Heart of New York Blown Up

Watch: Bridge in the Heart of New York Blown Up

The bridge between Brooklyn and Queens was destroyed by a controlled explosion by the authorities. A new interchange will be…
The Secret of Sukkot

The Secret of Sukkot

What is the significance of rain on the Festival of Sukkot? Rabbi Taub shares mystical insights regarding the Festival of…
Watch: Frightening Pizza Experiment with Chef Haim Cohen

Watch: Frightening Pizza Experiment with Chef Haim Cohen

Chef Haim Cohen demonstrates the grave and frightening consequences of forgetting children in the car. What happens to pizza that’s…
Vegas Death Toll up to 59 and 527 Wounded

Vegas Death Toll up to 59 and 527 Wounded

Har Adar terrorist’s house to be razed
Sukkot – The Story of Our Faith

Sukkot – The Story of Our Faith

What's the difference between the Sukkah walls and the Sukkah roof?
Watch: Incredible Flash Flood

Watch: Incredible Flash Flood

Extremely powerful flash flood rages through this forest. Frightening
How do You Raise Your Children with Happiness?

How do You Raise Your Children with Happiness?

Build them up with kind words and do the same with your spouse
Marc Zuckerberg Shares his Yom Kippur Introspection

Marc Zuckerberg Shares his Yom Kippur Introspection

Maybe we too should question our past deeds and fix what we can
G-d, Please Make a lot of Weddings this Year

G-d, Please Make a lot of Weddings this Year

I got my tear drenched message into the gates right before they closed
The 10 Commandments of Asking Forgiveness

The 10 Commandments of Asking Forgiveness

Did you hurt someone and you want to make amends? See these steps to asking forgiveness
The Secret to Living a Life of Happiness

The Secret to Living a Life of Happiness

Hold on to the joy, learn from our mother Sarah
Shaking the 4 Species and Life’s Ups and Downs

Shaking the 4 Species and Life’s Ups and Downs

​G-d is with us through our ups and our downs even when it's not apparent
The Key to a Successful Confession

The Key to a Successful Confession

Get the steps you need to know to confess effectively and honestly
Is Repentance Truly Attainable?

Is Repentance Truly Attainable?

Will G-d testify that I won’t do that sin anymore?
Yom Kippur – Being Honest with Ourselves

Yom Kippur – Being Honest with Ourselves

What is the reason that we annul our vows specifically at the beginning of the Yom Kippur prayer service?
A Story that will Change your Yom Kippur

A Story that will Change your Yom Kippur

A powerful story about courage, humility and forgiveness
75,000 People Evacuated in Bali for Fear of Volcano Eruption

75,000 People Evacuated in Bali for Fear of Volcano Eruption

Spain blocks Catalonian websites to thwart Catalan Independence Referendum
Interpol May Admit the PA into its Ranks Today

Interpol May Admit the PA into its Ranks Today

Cyber-attacks in Israel and other countries
Have We Been Set Up For Failure?

Have We Been Set Up For Failure?

How can we stand before G-d and apologize if we're going to do it again?
The Psychology of Change

The Psychology of Change

Introspection and repentance is difficult but if you know how your nature works you will know what to do
Yom Kippur Actually Works!

Yom Kippur Actually Works!

Rabbi Nissel shows us how Yom Kippur works
Titus Arch Replica Gifted to UNESCO

Titus Arch Replica Gifted to UNESCO

A fitting reminder that Jerusalem was always Jewish
“A Taxi Driver Returned My Jewelry”

“A Taxi Driver Returned My Jewelry”

It was worth tens of thousands of shekels
Disconnecting Saved their Lives

Disconnecting Saved their Lives

“How else can you explain the Rabbi's cell phone working where there was no reception?"
3 Israelis Murdered in Har Adar

3 Israelis Murdered in Har Adar

North Korea threatens to shoot down US planes
Israel’s Heart Disease Mortality Rate Dropped Dramatically

Israel’s Heart Disease Mortality Rate Dropped Dramatically

Riots in Germany in response to extreme right’s rise to power
Ask My Friend Forgiveness? I’m Terrified!

Ask My Friend Forgiveness? I’m Terrified!

Why is it so hard to say sorry? How will I act when someone else asks me forgiveness?
Your Inner Voice Can Heal You

Your Inner Voice Can Heal You

A healthy soul will mean a healthy body; listen to your soul’s messages to you
Watch: White Giraffes Discovered in Kenya

Watch: White Giraffes Discovered in Kenya

A pair of rare white giraffes has been spotted in Kenya. The rare animals were discovered by villagers near the…
Jews Hurt in Mexico Earthquake

Jews Hurt in Mexico Earthquake

Handicapped to Government: “My Way or the highway”
Watch: What Came Out of this Shark Egg?

Watch: What Came Out of this Shark Egg?

What came out of this egg of a bamboo shark, that looks like nothing more than a piece of wood?…
The Akeida of Isaac, A Great Merit for the New Year

The Akeida of Isaac, A Great Merit for the New Year

Saying this chapter is very auspicious for Rosh Hashana
Learning Responsibility on Rosh Hashana

Learning Responsibility on Rosh Hashana

King Avimelech is exhibit a of what shirking responsibility looks like
Eruv Tavshilin: To Enable Food Preparation for Shabbat

Eruv Tavshilin: To Enable Food Preparation for Shabbat

Make this Eruv to enable cooking from the holiday to prepare for Shabbat
The World is in Our Hands

The World is in Our Hands

The whole creation is for man to carry out G-d's will
Laws of Rosh Hashana: A Digest

Laws of Rosh Hashana: A Digest

Everything you wanted to know about Rosh Hashana in condensed form
10 Facts about Tashlich

10 Facts about Tashlich

Tashlich is an ancient custom that sweetens the judgments for the New Year
Become a partner in the opening of our US Broadcast Studios in NYC.

Become a partner in the opening of our US Broadcast Studios in NYC.

With your donation we can build our New York studios, and broadcast millions of Torah hours this year! Become a…
The Guide for a Successful Marriage

The Guide for a Successful Marriage

Invest in your spouse and appreciate your spouse's investment in you
Rave Reviews from the Hidabroot Elul Weekend Convention

Rave Reviews from the Hidabroot Elul Weekend Convention

“It was too short; we’re ready to come back again!”
What Causes Formation of Salt Cubes in the Dead Sea?

What Causes Formation of Salt Cubes in the Dead Sea?

“There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I - Chapter 2:2). See cube shaped salt crystals at the…
Ride into Rosh Hashana with a Bet Shemesh Taxi Driver

Ride into Rosh Hashana with a Bet Shemesh Taxi Driver

A ‘Simple Jew’ is never simple and this one has an amazing message for us
Watch: Original Idea for your Rosh Hashanah Table – Apple Challah

Watch: Original Idea for your Rosh Hashanah Table – Apple Challah

A tasty delight that will surely enhance your Rosh Hashanah experience. Enjoy
How Can I Avoid Feeling Negative on Rosh Hashana?

How Can I Avoid Feeling Negative on Rosh Hashana?

What tools do you have for me to avoid this anxiety?
What We Learn from Ishmael

What We Learn from Ishmael

This short lesson can change your Rosh Hashana
G-d is Faithful and He Doesn’t Have Faults

G-d is Faithful and He Doesn’t Have Faults

If we think there’s a mistake we should check again…
A Very Unlikely Messenger, in a Very Unlikely Place

A Very Unlikely Messenger, in a Very Unlikely Place

The Torah predicts that there will be a mass return of Jews to Judaism, and many of them will find…
Zuckerberg May Make Kiddush but Doesn’t (Yet) Make Havdalah

Zuckerberg May Make Kiddush but Doesn’t (Yet) Make Havdalah

Daughter Max in Marc's arms is drinking from their heirloom Kiddush cup
A True Friend

A True Friend

Pick your friends carefully and for the right reasons
Gallery: Best Bird Photos of 2017

Gallery: Best Bird Photos of 2017

See incredible images of birds, taken by photographers around the globe. This year's winner is a young man named Alejandro…
North Korea Fired another Missile over Japan

North Korea Fired another Missile over Japan

ISIS kills 74 and wounds 80 in a double terror attack
Faith & Forgiveness

Faith & Forgiveness

Join Rivka Malka on a journey back to ourselves, in this all-new episode of "My Jewish Home"
Chief Rabbi David Lau: “Israeli Supreme Court Encourages Kashrut Fraud”

Chief Rabbi David Lau: “Israeli Supreme Court Encourages Kashrut Fraud”

“Saying an establishment is “supervised” means nothing and opens the door to kashrut fraud”
Watch – How Did the Dog React to Drowning Child?

Watch – How Did the Dog React to Drowning Child?

Proof that dog is man's best friend. Gone viral
Hamas Funding for Dafna Meir’s Murderer Was Intercepted

Hamas Funding for Dafna Meir’s Murderer Was Intercepted

Trump gets an agreement with the Democrats on his immigration order
Watch – Selichot Prayers at the Western Wall

Watch – Selichot Prayers at the Western Wall

See footage of selichot prayers at the Western Wall this week. Uplifting
Trump’s Immigration Law Was Reinstated

Trump’s Immigration Law Was Reinstated

Israeli Courts attack kashrut and Yeshiva students
How to Open a Pomegranate the Easy Way

How to Open a Pomegranate the Easy Way

Are you getting your pomegranates ready for Rosh Hashanah? Learn how to open pomegranates fast and easy without making a…
Watch – Streets of Australia Covered in Ocean Foam

Watch – Streets of Australia Covered in Ocean Foam

Piles of ocean foam blanketed a coastal town in Australia
Watch: Hundreds of Fish Jumping in the Air

Watch: Hundreds of Fish Jumping in the Air

All year long these fish swim quietly and are difficult to catch. Then suddenly they spring into action. Wonders of…
Whatever I Did the Forbidden Way I Now Do the Kosher Way

Whatever I Did the Forbidden Way I Now Do the Kosher Way

“I promoted night clubs before now I promote Jewish events”
The Power of a Woman’s Prayer

The Power of a Woman’s Prayer

She can move heaven and earth
The Impact of Elul

The Impact of Elul

The Shofar is a wakeup call to prepare for the new year
Let Me Tell You Something about Chabad

Let Me Tell You Something about Chabad

“Charity is something they do daily and they don’t post it on Facebook”
Praise G-d with Every Breath

Praise G-d with Every Breath

People like Finlay could die if they stop breathing just from concentrating too much during a TV show
Henry Fuerte, a 9/11 World Trade Center Survivor Tells his Story

Henry Fuerte, a 9/11 World Trade Center Survivor Tells his Story

“Why did I survive when 256 co-workers, 70 of them personal friends died?”
Watch: Extreme Natural Phenomena from Around the Globe in 2017

Watch: Extreme Natural Phenomena from Around the Globe in 2017

A sequence of videos that displays frightening natural phenomena that have taken place around the world this year
IDF Enters Offense Phase of 11 Day Military exercise

IDF Enters Offense Phase of 11 Day Military exercise

Woman Gives Birth at Home Because of Hurricane Irma
Made in Heaven: Marriage

Made in Heaven: Marriage

G-d is busy making matches getting couples together
Irma Still Wreaking Havoc in Florida

Irma Still Wreaking Havoc in Florida

Over 3.3 million without electricity
The Essence of Prayer

The Essence of Prayer

What should we focus on when praying?
Diamonds Aren’t Up For Grabs and Neither Should You Be

Diamonds Aren’t Up For Grabs and Neither Should You Be

Diamonds are protected in a safe and you also must protect yourself
Gallery of Irma’s Destruction

Gallery of Irma’s Destruction

See the destruction Irma left in it's path
Six Facts You didn’t Know about Repentance

Six Facts You didn’t Know about Repentance

Mordechai Lewis gives us a hands on step by step plan to repent
Even If We Don’t Understand

Even If We Don’t Understand

We have a relationship with G-d and a relationship means trust
Irma is Hitting Southwestern Florida

Irma is Hitting Southwestern Florida

6.3 million people were asked to evacuate
Benjamin Netanyahu the Christian Arab

Benjamin Netanyahu the Christian Arab

“My name always makes people do a double take”
Watch – Unexpected Shofar Blow

Watch – Unexpected Shofar Blow

See what happens when the Rabbi blows the shofar in front of a crowd of people. Gone Viral
Why do More People Suffer from Fear in this Generation?

Why do More People Suffer from Fear in this Generation?

Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains why and what to do about it
I Cried out To G-d and He Answered Me!

I Cried out To G-d and He Answered Me!

Daddy, money is flying around the living room!
Rabbi Paysach Krohn Loves What Hidabroot’s Doing!

Rabbi Paysach Krohn Loves What Hidabroot’s Doing!

Hear it from one of our most prominent fans and supporters, Rabbi Paysach Krohn tells all about Hidabroot
Irma Became a Level 5 Storm and Hit the French Caribbean

Irma Became a Level 5 Storm and Hit the French Caribbean

St. Marten was pounded and the British Virgin Islands are about to be hit
Can People Really Die from Loneliness?

Can People Really Die from Loneliness?

Studies show: Loneliness Leads to Early Death and many other maladies
Hidabroot Live! This Motzai Shabbat

Hidabroot Live! This Motzai Shabbat

Just on Time for Rosh Hashana, catch the inspiration at a Hidabroot live event
The Hidabroot Approach

The Hidabroot Approach

People must first get the right information
If You Want To Do Teshuva, Smile!

If You Want To Do Teshuva, Smile!

10 facts about Teshuva - Repentance
Israel Debating Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

Israel Debating Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

The UN Security Council will meet to discuss North Korea
The Parsha of Teshuva

The Parsha of Teshuva

Good to say every day especially during the month of Elul
Rabbi Eli Mansour Will Inspire You for Rosh Hashana

Rabbi Eli Mansour Will Inspire You for Rosh Hashana

If you live in  Far Rockaway or the 5 Towns don't miss it!
A Bodybuilder and Male Supermodel Came Back to Judaism?

A Bodybuilder and Male Supermodel Came Back to Judaism?

Dror Okavi, Mr. Israel and Supermodel in America tells his story
We’re in Exile, What can We Do about It?

We’re in Exile, What can We Do about It?

Realize we’re in darkness far from G-d and look for the light of His closeness
Can I Build A Mikvah in a Day?

Can I Build A Mikvah in a Day?

This is no rush job it's fully kosher
US May be Pounded by More Hurricanes

US May be Pounded by More Hurricanes

US continues military drills with South Korea much to the chagrin of Putin
The Odds of Earth Existing at All

The Odds of Earth Existing at All

The numbers are staggering and all point to G-d as the creator
My Daughter is Fine, Society Needs to be Fixed! 

My Daughter is Fine, Society Needs to be Fixed! 

Abigail’s mom explains that our society hasn’t yet accepted her daughter with Down’s syndrome
Police Anti-Semitism in Paris France, Shame on Them

Police Anti-Semitism in Paris France, Shame on Them

Paris Police are ‘on the lookout for Jews who steal chickens before Yom Kippur’
PA Summer Camp Ends another Successful Session

PA Summer Camp Ends another Successful Session

Houston still flooded and death toll is still rising, Hatzalah joined the rescue effort
Why Doesn’t the Torah Command Me to be a Vegetarian?

Why Doesn’t the Torah Command Me to be a Vegetarian?

Isn’t it cruel to eat animals? Or is it? Can kindness to animals make me cruel to people?
Rabbi Paysach Krohn: Your Siddur Your Life

Rabbi Paysach Krohn: Your Siddur Your Life

Prayer is the gateway to all good in the world
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: Never Give Up

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: Never Give Up

Hashem’s salvation can be around the corner if you keep on trying
Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger: Body vs. Soul & the Purpose of Life

Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger: Body vs. Soul & the Purpose of Life

​Focus on the purpose of life and the role of your body and soul in carrying out your mission here
Rabbi Paysach Krohn: “How to Become a Person of Bracha”

Rabbi Paysach Krohn: “How to Become a Person of Bracha”

Go to Hidabroot Elul Weekend Convention and go into Rosh Hashana empowered to make the changes you want for the…
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: Teshuva- The Power to Change

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: Teshuva- The Power to Change

Come to the Hidabroot Weekend Convention and go home ready to make the changes you always wanted to
Rabbi Zamir Cohen: The Creation, Dinosaurs, Men vs. Women

Rabbi Zamir Cohen: The Creation, Dinosaurs, Men vs. Women

G-d created the World on Rosh Hashana; Rabbi Zamir Cohen gives us the secrets of creation
Would You Like A Mikvah in Your Own Home? 

Would You Like A Mikvah in Your Own Home? 

It may no longer be the privilege of the wealthy with this new patented invention
Why is Peace so Important?

Why is Peace so Important?

It is the container to hold all blessing
Hurricane Harvey Pounds Texas

Hurricane Harvey Pounds Texas

Gaza Gets Millions of UN Dollars in (Unsupervised) Support
Women of Lakewood and Brooklyn, Get Empowered for Rosh Hashana!

Women of Lakewood and Brooklyn, Get Empowered for Rosh Hashana!

Let Rebbetzin Jackie Bitton and Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi help you start the New Year right!
Harvey Inundates Houston in the Worst Tropical Storm in History

Harvey Inundates Houston in the Worst Tropical Storm in History

Many streets are negotiable only with boats and many people lost their homes
Selichot at the Kotel

Selichot at the Kotel

Watch and get inspired as thousands recite the Selichot at the Western Wall
How Can I Get Atonement For Serious Sins?

How Can I Get Atonement For Serious Sins?

Rabbi Nachum Chaimowitz shows us what to do step by step; the main thing is not to give up and…
Touching Gallery: Before and After Cancer

Touching Gallery: Before and After Cancer

Adults and children from around the world share pictures of themselves undergoing and overcoming cancer. Inspiring images
Selichot – Edot HaMizrach

Selichot – Edot HaMizrach

Edot HaMizrach, Jews from Eastern and oriental countries (Sfardim) start reciting Selichot (Prayers for forgiveness) from the beginning of Elul.…
Intermarriage is Statistically Destined to Fail

Intermarriage is Statistically Destined to Fail

Rabbi Zamir Cohen’s answer to young Jewish men or ladies considering intermarriage
The Blessing of Living in Israel

The Blessing of Living in Israel

In Israel you feel closer to G-d
Last Year 34,676 People Were Killed in Terror Attacks

Last Year 34,676 People Were Killed in Terror Attacks

In 13,488 attacks most of which were in the Middle East and Northern Africa
Elul- The Judge is My Friend

Elul- The Judge is My Friend

We want to be judged by G-d alone for he can display clemency that a regular court can't
It’s Not All or Nothing! Grab the Flashes of Greatness

It’s Not All or Nothing! Grab the Flashes of Greatness

Making small moves in the right direction brings amazing results
Gallery: Hypnotic Images from the Great US Eclipse, 2017

Gallery: Hypnotic Images from the Great US Eclipse, 2017

Due to its radius, the eclipse became known as the "Great Eclipse" - something that has not happened since 8.6.1918.…
DNA – The Genius Design

DNA – The Genius Design

The functions the smallest cells carry out are astounding
Can Talc Cause Ovarian Cancer?

Can Talc Cause Ovarian Cancer?

A California Judge thinks so
The Impact of Elul

The Impact of Elul

How can I make the most of Elul?
Alabama Family is Expecting Sextuplets

Alabama Family is Expecting Sextuplets

Courtney and Eric Waldrop will G-d willing have 6 new additions to their family this winter
Billy Joel’s Yellow Star Buzz

Billy Joel’s Yellow Star Buzz

Billy Joel made a statement wearing a Yellow Jewish Star in concert
3rd Truck Hit a Bridge within a Week

3rd Truck Hit a Bridge within a Week

US sanctioned Russian and Chinese companies who do business with North Korea
Putin and Netanyahu to Meet in Sochi, Russia

Putin and Netanyahu to Meet in Sochi, Russia

Palestinian caught fleeing with weapon in his car
Elul -Women Starting Anew

Elul -Women Starting Anew

How should women prepare for Rosh Hashana?
Wonders of Creation: Really Cute Baby Chameleons

Wonders of Creation: Really Cute Baby Chameleons

Have you ever wondered what chameleons look like when they're just born? Must see
My Teen Chose Life this Past Summer Vacation

My Teen Chose Life this Past Summer Vacation

Religious men offer an alternative to drugs and hanging out in the park at night
Praying for the Wicked

Praying for the Wicked

Are we supposed to pray for the wicked or should we pray they get destroyed?
US South Korea Military Exercises Today in China Sea

US South Korea Military Exercises Today in China Sea

Israel Rabbinate to Supreme Court: “Israeli law says decisions on the Western Wall are not in the purview of the…
You Can Become Great!

You Can Become Great!

Discover the latent talents, power and holiness inside you and use them to become great
Do You Believe in G-d?

Do You Believe in G-d?

Faith is based on knowledge
Out of the Dumps, Performing Onstage

Out of the Dumps, Performing Onstage

Chani Goldstein never dreamed she'd become a successful female vocalist and DJ but G-d made it happen
Who Knows 40?

Who Knows 40?

40 appears in many places in Judaism and symbolizes the process of bringing something to fruition and completeness
Watch: Jews Pray at Kosher Restaurant in Barcelona during Terrorist Attack

Watch: Jews Pray at Kosher Restaurant in Barcelona during Terrorist Attack

Jews stood up to recite Kaddish & evening prayers at the besieged Maccabi restaurant in Barcelona during the terror attack…
Hidabroot Elul Big Events  

Hidabroot Elul Big Events  

Hidabroot Rabbis and lecturers and leading US speakers inspire you for Rosh Hashana
Hanging On by a Thread – Re’eh

Hanging On by a Thread – Re’eh

Only prayer and faith saved my daughter’s life
Reincarnation & the End of Days

Reincarnation & the End of Days

Get on track for eternity, Rabbi Botton tells us what it's all about
The “Gift” of Waiting

The “Gift” of Waiting

Which can only be appreciated if you have the gift of faith
Watch the Construction of the El-Al Dreamliner

Watch the Construction of the El-Al Dreamliner

This amazing plane will help bring us back home to Israel
Join Hidabroot’s Empowering Elul Weekend Retreat

Join Hidabroot’s Empowering Elul Weekend Retreat

Recharge yourself for the new year both physically and spiritually
Iran May Produce Missiles in Lebanon

Iran May Produce Missiles in Lebanon

Queen Elizabeth passing the scepter to Prince Charles
Disclosing the Truth about Judaism

Disclosing the Truth about Judaism

If you want the truth you need to go back to the source
Mincha: Afternoon Prayer – Ashkenaz

Mincha: Afternoon Prayer – Ashkenaz

אַשְׁרֵי יושְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ. עוד יְהַלְלוּךָ סֶּלָה:  אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁכָּכָה לּו. אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שה' אֱלהָיו:  תְּהִלָּה לְדָוִד. אֲרומִמְךָ אֱלוהַי הַמֶּלֶךְ. וַאֲבָרְכָה…
My Down Syndrome Twin Daughters are the Greatest!

My Down Syndrome Twin Daughters are the Greatest!

I still can’t figure out why the doctor said “I’m sorry” when he told me they have Down’s syndrome
Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment Reversed Brain Damage in a Young Girl

Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment Reversed Brain Damage in a Young Girl

This may save many more lives and repair what was previously considered irreversible
The Jewish Husband and Wife, Building their Eternity Together

The Jewish Husband and Wife, Building their Eternity Together

They have an equal share in eternal reward and mutual appreciation for each other is the best way to build…
Israelis Demolish Terrorists’ Home

Israelis Demolish Terrorists’ Home

Nikki Haley isn’t troubled by Iran’s’ threat to leave nuclear pact
How to Live Up to Your Dreams

How to Live Up to Your Dreams

Can I attain my dreams? Is there anything holding me back?
Mika and Ali Part 4

Mika and Ali Part 4

More regretful mistakes and Mika’s message to women in her situation
10 Foods You Can Eat Freely (Almost)

10 Foods You Can Eat Freely (Almost)

They’re all rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in calories
Never Give Up!

Never Give Up!

If You keep on trying G-d will give you strength you didn't know you had
Is Jerusalem Holy to Muslims?

Is Jerusalem Holy to Muslims?

5 facts about how Muslims have no historical connection to Jerusalem
I’m Making A Contract with G-d

I’m Making A Contract with G-d

I did everything in my power to conceive; now You must take over
Young, Pregnant, Anxious and Depressed

Young, Pregnant, Anxious and Depressed

Being a young mother having a 3rd child seemed overwhelming
Ivanka Trump: No Place for Racism, White Supremacy and Neo-Nazis

Ivanka Trump: No Place for Racism, White Supremacy and Neo-Nazis

Pedestrian bridge collapses over highway 4 near Ramat Gan killing truck driver
Torah And Science

Torah And Science

How old is the universe according to Jewish sources?
In a Bad Mood? Don’t Come Down on Yourself

In a Bad Mood? Don’t Come Down on Yourself

If you accept bad feelings without coming down on yourself you'll cope with it faster
“Why Aren’t You Married Already?”

“Why Aren’t You Married Already?”

My parents added insult to injury in dealing with me, their single daughter that wouldn’t get married
The Chafetz Chaim’s 3 Minute Speech

The Chafetz Chaim’s 3 Minute Speech

He helped get everyone's priorities straight
Torah; No Pain, No Gain- Ekev

Torah; No Pain, No Gain- Ekev

The harder you work the more you attain plus you also cleanse yourself of sin
Judaism vs. Western Civilization

Judaism vs. Western Civilization

Why are religious Jews perceived as rigid? What's the difference between religion and Judaism?
US-North Korea Tensions Mount

US-North Korea Tensions Mount

Terrorist family knew of his plans to kill the Solomon’s
The Essence of Communication

The Essence of Communication

Does G-d communicate with us? Do we hear what He has to say?
Should Israel Remain a Jewish State or Not?

Should Israel Remain a Jewish State or Not?

MK Yisrael Eichler recounts how Tel Aviv Mayor Diezengoff stopped cars from entering the city on Shabbat
Sugar Also Causes Mental Illness

Sugar Also Causes Mental Illness

And you thought it only made you fat
Twitter Gets a Lesson in “Discrimination 101”

Twitter Gets a Lesson in “Discrimination 101”

Dozens of racial and anti-Semitic ‘tweets’ were spray painted on their headquarters for everyone to see
“White Privilege”

“White Privilege”

Idan is albino and he has what to say about how people accept other people who are different
“We Love Children; the More, the Merrier!”

“We Love Children; the More, the Merrier!”

Says Australian mother of 3 Chloe Dunstan who found out she was having triplets
What Really Goes On in the Brain of a Sleeping Baby?

What Really Goes On in the Brain of a Sleeping Baby?

Do you wonder why babies sleep so much? It’s because of the intense activity going on in their brains when…
I Have a Soul: What does That Mean?

I Have a Soul: What does That Mean?

What is my mission here? Where do I have to get?
See Amazing Sail Ski Race

See Amazing Sail Ski Race

This is beautiful to behold
Man, Space & Time: The Three Levels of Unity

Man, Space & Time: The Three Levels of Unity

What do these things have to do with one another
5 Astounding Facts About Our Memory

5 Astounding Facts About Our Memory

Our memory is an amazing tool that helps us create the life we know, here are 5 facts you’ll be…
Who Am I? Do I know Myself?

Who Am I? Do I know Myself?

Do I know what G-d has in mind for me and why He does what He does?
The Infinite Creator Concealed in the Composition of the Universe and Man

The Infinite Creator Concealed in the Composition of the Universe and Man

Lofty Kabbalistic concepts are hidden in nature and in the unified field theory
I’m A Mitzvah, Don’t Tread on Me: Eikev

I’m A Mitzvah, Don’t Tread on Me: Eikev

Small mitzvoth should not be taken lightly
Trump says US Will Respond to North Korean Threats

Trump says US Will Respond to North Korean Threats

Israeli Air Force attack in Gaza in response to Hamas missiles shot at Ashkelon
Why Did G-d Create Fear?

Why Did G-d Create Fear?

What purpose does it serve?
“Why Don’t I Feel Fulfilled in Life?”

“Why Don’t I Feel Fulfilled in Life?”

A person in pain should see if he or she is if he’s in a good place and investing his…
The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory

What does Judaism say about the Big Bang theory?
Watch: Zoo Keeper Feeds Crocodiles with his Mouth

Watch: Zoo Keeper Feeds Crocodiles with his Mouth

Not for the faint-hearted: This zoo keeper feeds crocodiles by mouth. He stays at a precise distance from the mouth…
Parents Beware: Heat-Stroke Can Happen Indoors Too!

Parents Beware: Heat-Stroke Can Happen Indoors Too!

Keep your eyes on your children and try to keep your home cool on a hot day
Mika and Ali: From Poverty to Romance to Nightmare Part 2

Mika and Ali: From Poverty to Romance to Nightmare Part 2

Getting married the romance ends and the nightmare begins
Dozens Killed in Nigeria and Afghanistan

Dozens Killed in Nigeria and Afghanistan

Yavneh Supersol stabbing victim wakes up
The Secret of Love

The Secret of Love

Why did G-d create love?
Putin: “I Know the Secret of Jewish Survival”

Putin: “I Know the Secret of Jewish Survival”

These are the amazing words Putin told Israeli Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef
Run and Live Longer  

Run and Live Longer  

Runners have Longer Life Expectancy
UN Strongly Sanctions North Korea

UN Strongly Sanctions North Korea

Yavne stabbing victim stabilized but still in critical condition
Teva Pharmaceuticals Will Let Thousands of Workers Go

Teva Pharmaceuticals Will Let Thousands of Workers Go

The Senate Foreign Committee passed the Taylor Force Act
Maariv: Night Prayer – Ashkenaz

Maariv: Night Prayer – Ashkenaz

וְהוּא רַחוּם יְכַפֵּר עָון וְלא יַשְׁחִית. וְהִרְבָּה לְהָשִׁיב אַפּו וְלא יָעִיר כָּל חֲמָתו: ה' הושִׁיעָה. הַמֶּלֶךְ יַעֲנֵנוּ בְיום קָרְאֵנוּ: חזן: בָּרְכוּ…
Gallery: Best Pictures of Nature from International Competition

Gallery: Best Pictures of Nature from International Competition

Thousands of candidates submitted their best images of nature to an international photography competition. A curious fox in the city,…
Using All Our Resources to Serve G-d- Va’etchanan part 2

Using All Our Resources to Serve G-d- Va’etchanan part 2

We're required to use our heart, body, money and soul to serve G-d? How do we do it?
Successful Gene Splicing May End Many Genetic Diseases

Successful Gene Splicing May End Many Genetic Diseases

Researchers successfully removed a faulty gene from a fetus splicing in a healthy one instead
Keep your Brain Young by Eating Eggs, Spinach and Avocado

Keep your Brain Young by Eating Eggs, Spinach and Avocado

The lutein found in these foods protects the brain from cognitive function loss
Watch: Bear Entertains People on the Streets of Russia

Watch: Bear Entertains People on the Streets of Russia

Onlookers could not believe their eyes when they saw this friendly bear waving as he passed by. Only in Russia
Crossing the Sea- Getting Married

Crossing the Sea- Getting Married

How do you cross the sea and get married?
Our Relationship with G-d- Va’etchanan

Our Relationship with G-d- Va’etchanan

The Book of Devarim is full of how much G-d loves us
Solomon Murderer: ‘A Humane Terrorist’

Solomon Murderer: ‘A Humane Terrorist’

He only killed 3 people and tried killing a 4th but he didn’t kill the children, that is so humane
How to Remain Objective When Dating

How to Remain Objective When Dating

Natural attraction can cloud judgement making it harder to let go of someone incompatible
Can You Force Someone to Love You? Parshat Va’etchanan

Can You Force Someone to Love You? Parshat Va’etchanan

We love G-d because we understand how much he loves us
Taylor Force Law May be Passed

Taylor Force Law May be Passed

The IDF is revamping its security procedures around armament storage bases
Should You Exercise when Full or Hungry?

Should You Exercise when Full or Hungry?

Do you take your morning run before or after breakfast?
From where will I Have the Strength to Keep on Giving In?

From where will I Have the Strength to Keep on Giving In?

When you know how important peace is you’ll find the strength to cope
Successful Relationships

Successful Relationships

Make your marriage succeed beyond your wildest dreams
Holocaust Survivors Discovered Over 500 Relatives

Holocaust Survivors Discovered Over 500 Relatives

Alex Kafri believed he and his sister were the only ones left from their family until recently
I Live in a Never Ending Weekend Retreat

I Live in a Never Ending Weekend Retreat

Since becoming religious, David Sidon and his family found happiness on a farm in the Upper Galilee
Rare Footage: The Western Wall a Century Ago on Tisha B’av

Rare Footage: The Western Wall a Century Ago on Tisha B’av

Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall - Rare footage from the the year 1909. A Jew sits on the ground…
Iran Contributed to Temple Mount Unrest

Iran Contributed to Temple Mount Unrest

Thousands of food packages were delivered to protesters with Iranian stickers
Sharing the Wealth with Others

Sharing the Wealth with Others

You should share what you know. That is as important as your own personal growth!
Jews Fleeing Venezuela

Jews Fleeing Venezuela

Anti-Semitism there is rising as anti-government riots hit the streets
The Hidabroot World Wide Tisha B’Av Marathon

The Hidabroot World Wide Tisha B’Av Marathon

With Locations in Jerusalem, New York and Paris
Violence During Yaffo Funeral

Violence During Yaffo Funeral

Trump upset at North Korea's continued belligerence and China's assistance to them
More and More Establishments Choose to Close on Shabbat

More and More Establishments Choose to Close on Shabbat

Some mention the profits they gained; all mention the Shabbat peace they gained
You’re All Invited to My House When You Get out of Here

You’re All Invited to My House When You Get out of Here

Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu told the juveniles in the delinquent ward
Gallery: Mysterious Caves around the World

Gallery: Mysterious Caves around the World

See breathtaking images of magical caves around the globe. Wonders of Creation
Drinking Tea Can Protect Against Dementia

Drinking Tea Can Protect Against Dementia

A study in China shows this to be true even among those genetically considered high risk for Alzheimer’s
Helping Others Overcome Challenges

Helping Others Overcome Challenges

You can make a difference in someone else's life when he's faced with a challenge
Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 4)

Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 4)

The affliction or reward a person suffers is created from his deeds the Satan is a manifestation of the bad…
Security Forces in Jerusalem will Respect Worshippers, Not Rioters

Security Forces in Jerusalem will Respect Worshippers, Not Rioters

US sanctions Russia and Russia responds by lowering number of US diplomats in Russia
The Holy Ari – Rabbi Yitzchak Luria Zt”l

The Holy Ari – Rabbi Yitzchak Luria Zt”l

10 facts about his life in Honor of his Yohrzeit on the 5th of Av (Today)
Giving In Gained Nothing! Temple Mount Violence Continues

Giving In Gained Nothing! Temple Mount Violence Continues

Tens of thousands of worshippers came to the Temple Mount
G-d Answered My Prayers after 4 Tense Years of Waiting  

G-d Answered My Prayers after 4 Tense Years of Waiting  

The moment Ravit, who wasn’t religious, decided to accept family purity upon herself, the phone rang…
Watch: This is what’s called Extreme Riding

Watch: This is what’s called Extreme Riding

Some people are fearless, and are willing to risk their lives just for a little adrenaline. This cyclist is one…
The Secret to Success… in Just One Word

The Secret to Success… in Just One Word

At Moe's Hometalk office they discussed this secret and you can have it too
Must We Be in Pain to Be United?

Must We Be in Pain to Be United?

A letter to G-d, words of love shared in pain
Is the Temple Mount Crisis Over or has it Just Begun?

Is the Temple Mount Crisis Over or has it Just Begun?

Removing the security cameras and magnetic gates made the Temple Mount ‘kosher’ again for Muslim worshippers and dangerous for the…
Watch: How to Create Colored Roses

Watch: How to Create Colored Roses

See how you can transform your white roses into colorful ones. It’s easy, simple and fun
Ruins from First Temple Destruction Found in City of David

Ruins from First Temple Destruction Found in City of David

2,500 year old buildings covered with fallen stones were discovered
Prayer and Exercise- What do They Have in Common?

Prayer and Exercise- What do They Have in Common?

Our formal prayer has a structure, what is it?
The Danger of Fear

The Danger of Fear

Fear paralyzes people preventing them from growth
“When They Ask Me in Heaven Why I Didn’t Help, Can I Say I Was Cold?

“When They Ask Me in Heaven Why I Didn’t Help, Can I Say I Was Cold?

A winter storm wouldn’t stop the ageing Chafetz Chaim from helping a neighboring town build a mikvah
Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 2)

Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 2)

He causes man to stumble in sin and temptation in order to increase our reward for doing the right thing
Jewish Law in Israel

Jewish Law in Israel

A few more court cases like this and the messiah will come!
Watch: Science Exposes more Wonders of Creation

Watch: Science Exposes more Wonders of Creation

Sophisticated and hypnotic experiments that will amaze you and inspire you to thank G-d for the remarkable world we live…
No Cameras, No Magnetic Gates, No Security, Yes Terror

No Cameras, No Magnetic Gates, No Security, Yes Terror

Giving in just makes them hungrier for the next round of terror; when will we say enough?
Siege on Israeli Embassy in Jordan

Siege on Israeli Embassy in Jordan

30 embassy workers are inside the compound after a security man shot 2 Jordanians one of who stabbed the guard…
Praying for Heaven’s Sake

Praying for Heaven’s Sake

Sincere prayer in this manner gets results, but it has to really be sincere
Your Words Have Power- Devarim

Your Words Have Power- Devarim

Unleash that power by thinking before you speak
New Research Says: “Talk to Your Fetus”

New Research Says: “Talk to Your Fetus”

It will help him develop his language skills early on in life
Watch: Panda Feasts on Reeds

Watch: Panda Feasts on Reeds

When you see how this panda enjoys his reeds you will agree it seems like the most delicious treat in…
Cameras Instead of Magnetic Gates at Temple Mount

Cameras Instead of Magnetic Gates at Temple Mount

Solomon family members murdered Friday night will be laid to rest today 5:30 in Modiin Cemetery
The Temple Mount

The Temple Mount

What is so unique about the Temple Mount?
Amelia Earhart: An 80 Year Old Aviation Mystery Solved?

Amelia Earhart: An 80 Year Old Aviation Mystery Solved?

She may have been the first WWII American victim. Next week on July 24th is her 120th birthday.
Magnetic Gates on the Temple Mount, Muslims Attack Istanbul Synagogue

Magnetic Gates on the Temple Mount, Muslims Attack Istanbul Synagogue

Muslims threw rocks at an Istanbul synagogue to protest the Temple Mount magnetic gates
Watch: The Future is Here: The New Flying Car

Watch: The Future is Here: The New Flying Car

Get to know the new flying car that will probably market from 2019. Is this going to be the ultimate…
Taking In Shabbat Early

Taking In Shabbat Early

Why take in Shabbat early?
Hidabroot Announces its Tisha B’Av Marathon

Hidabroot Announces its Tisha B’Av Marathon

Make the most of your Tisha B'Av, fill it with inspiration and yearning
How Many Times Did We Leave Egypt?

How Many Times Did We Leave Egypt?

Why is it repeated? Why are many travels in Massei "according to the word of G-d"
Temple Mount Tensions Continue to Rise

Temple Mount Tensions Continue to Rise

Riots continue as the demand to remove the magnetic gates intensifies
Watch: Bird Finds Creative Solution for Lunch

Watch: Bird Finds Creative Solution for Lunch

See how this bird comes up with an original strategy for catching its lunch. Gone viral
World Renowned Lecturers Promote the Hidabroot Convention

World Renowned Lecturers Promote the Hidabroot Convention

Rabbi Paysach Krohn and Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser praise the up-and-coming Hidabroot weekend and will grace it with their presence
You Don’t Lose from Keeping the Halacha

You Don’t Lose from Keeping the Halacha

Rabbi Feinstein's advice saved the lives of all Luban's Jews when they listened to the young Rabbi's ruling instead of…
Life Insurance and Loshon Hora

Life Insurance and Loshon Hora

Staying away from lashon hara is the greatest life insurance policy and it costs no money
The Danger of Drugs

The Danger of Drugs

Death from drug overdose can happen in the nicest families. There's no special demographic that is immune. Try to be…
“Get Me Out of Here!”

“Get Me Out of Here!”

A voice cried from inside the ATM
Breaking Out of Prison

Breaking Out of Prison

Never lose sight of the ultimate goal!
Must See: David Greenfield Slams Pro-Palestinian Activists

Must See: David Greenfield Slams Pro-Palestinian Activists

New York City council member David Greenfield responds to anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian activists. One of the most powerful speeches you will…
In Israel, Smoking May Be a Part of the Past

In Israel, Smoking May Be a Part of the Past

A new law proposal in Israel will try to do this
Israel’s Aggression against the Temple Mount Will Ignite the Region

Israel’s Aggression against the Temple Mount Will Ignite the Region

Gaza militias threaten Israel of repercussions for Temple Mount security measures
Tomatoes Fight Skin Cancer

Tomatoes Fight Skin Cancer

Ohio University study shows that tomatoes protect against cancerous skin growths
Dressing like a Queen

Dressing like a Queen

If you treat yourself like a queen, others will too!
More Unrest in Jerusalem

More Unrest in Jerusalem

VP Mike Pence: “There will be a day when the embassy moves to Jerusalem”
Hidabroot Convention – Sept.8-10

Hidabroot Convention – Sept.8-10

Come relax for three days in a five star hotel, the magnificent Crown Plaza in Stamford CT. Enjoy a holiday…
Don’t Fight Your Addiction All by Yourself

Don’t Fight Your Addiction All by Yourself

Join a support group, it'll make all the difference
Think Good & It Will Be Good

Think Good & It Will Be Good

You can create your reality by thinking about the things that have meaning in your life
What is the Biggest Mitzvah, What is the Biggest Sin?

What is the Biggest Mitzvah, What is the Biggest Sin?

10 quotes to remember from the letter Rabbi Elijah of Vilna, the ‘Vilna Gaon’ sent his wife
To Give In, Give In and Give In

To Give In, Give In and Give In

Those are the 3 things that a happy marriage depends on
The Cow that Kept Shabbat

The Cow that Kept Shabbat

If she could keep Shabbat, shouldn’t I?
UK Anti-Semitic Crime at All Time High

UK Anti-Semitic Crime at All Time High

Terrorists get praised for Friday’s attack
Incredible Gallery: When Real Beauty Surpasses Imagination

Incredible Gallery: When Real Beauty Surpasses Imagination

Spectacular photographs from various photo competitions around the globe. Real photos without any Photoshop
Muslims Oppose Magnetic Gates by Temple Mount

Muslims Oppose Magnetic Gates by Temple Mount

Israel fears Syrian cease fire will allow Iran to infiltrate the area to re-arm Assad regime
Dehydration: Why Does It Happen?

Dehydration: Why Does It Happen?

10 facts about dehydration to beware of during these hot days
A Message from the Next World

A Message from the Next World

“We decided not to do anything for our mother since she didn’t give us a sign from heaven so it’s…
A Letter from G-d

A Letter from G-d

“My Daughter, you’ve got everything you need to be happy”
The Hero’s Moment

The Hero’s Moment

You can be a hero, too
How to Stop Fighting with Your Spouse

How to Stop Fighting with Your Spouse

Lower your expectations and get your priorities straight
World War III, Redemption, The Messiah and Prayer

World War III, Redemption, The Messiah and Prayer

Is a third world war inevitable? It depends on us
Why Can’t We Make Peace with the Palestinians?

Why Can’t We Make Peace with the Palestinians?

Where did they come from and why aren’t they partners for peace?
Terrorists at Lions Gate Shoot Policemen, Killing 2

Terrorists at Lions Gate Shoot Policemen, Killing 2

The PA denounces Israel’s terror in closing Al-Aqsa
Will I Ever Get Married?

Will I Ever Get Married?

My parents are divorced so what does it have to do with me? Why is it so hard for me…
7 Strange Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

7 Strange Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

What’s a tomato throwing festival and which city has a cat for its mayor?
I’m Not an Internet Addict… Am I?

I’m Not an Internet Addict… Am I?

How do I know if I'm addicted?
Where Does Addictive Thinking Come From?

Where Does Addictive Thinking Come From?

Low Self esteem (ususally from emotional abuse) is usually the culprit
Watch: Whale takes Super-Size Gulp

Watch: Whale takes Super-Size Gulp

See a rare and beautiful moment of a whale opening its huge mouth above the water
Rivers Can’t Wash the Love Away

Rivers Can’t Wash the Love Away

We should aspire to have a passionate love for G-d, that’s what divine service is all about
Do the Palestinians come from the Biblical Philistines?

Do the Palestinians come from the Biblical Philistines?

Why do they claim our land is theirs? What is their true origin? Is there any veracity to their claims?
Terror Payments Cause Terror

Terror Payments Cause Terror

“I wanted the soldiers to shoot and kill me so my children would live well”
New Labor Head Avi Gabai is Anti-Religious Activist

New Labor Head Avi Gabai is Anti-Religious Activist

His outspoken opinions about religion are very disappointing to the religious establishment
Watch: Why is this Koala Bear Crying?

Watch: Why is this Koala Bear Crying?

The poor Koala Bear was thrown out of the tree by a big bully. Touching
Why Do Arab Men Like to Marry Jewish Girls?

Why Do Arab Men Like to Marry Jewish Girls?

Listen to an Arab man answer this troubling question
Overcoming Internet Addiction with G-d

Overcoming Internet Addiction with G-d

This video is for those who already realize they are addicted to the internet. If you're not sure you should…
Belief in the Ultimate Goal

Belief in the Ultimate Goal

What is the ultimate goal of creation according to traditional Jewish belief?
17th of Tammuz Q & A

17th of Tammuz Q & A

Here are some questions about fasting and the 17th of Tammuz which you may be asking yourself
Watch: Incredible Discovery about Drops of Water

Watch: Incredible Discovery about Drops of Water

A fascinating study conducted in Stuttgart Germany, reveals that every drop of water has its own unique 'face'. This study…
How Can We Change the World?

How Can We Change the World?

In these 3 weeks of mourning lie the tools to do it
10 Facts about the 17th of Tammuz

10 Facts about the 17th of Tammuz

It’s one of 4 fasts mourning the loss of our Holy Temple
How Do I Hope For the Redemption in my Day to Day Life?

How Do I Hope For the Redemption in my Day to Day Life?

When I go through the 3 weeks and then vacation, is anything left of that longing?
The Most Luxurious Weekend of the Year, Sept.8-10  

The Most Luxurious Weekend of the Year, Sept.8-10  

Come relax for three days in a five star hotel, the magnificent Crown Plaza in Stamford CT. Enjoy a holiday…
Hebron: Where Do We Stand? Will Museums Help?

Hebron: Where Do We Stand? Will Museums Help?

G-d wants to know how badly we want our land and our holy places
9 Facts About the Ohr HaChaim in Honor of his Yohrzeit

9 Facts About the Ohr HaChaim in Honor of his Yohrzeit

Learning his books can bring salvation. Countless stories describe the great miracles people experienced by praying at his grave
Saved From the Lion’s Den

Saved From the Lion’s Den

A Story of The Ohr HaChaim’s miracle in the lion’s den
Watch: Behind the Scenes of Creating Water Images

Watch: Behind the Scenes of Creating Water Images

Watch this spectacular technique for creating water images, with the use of sophisticated technology. See how it works
The Dangers of Internet Addiction

The Dangers of Internet Addiction

Internet is a very dangerous thing! It broke many barriers and brought harm to many people and their families. Rabbi…
Social Experiment in London: How did Gentiles React to Humiliated Jew

Social Experiment in London: How did Gentiles React to Humiliated Jew

Anti-Semitic or not - you decide: A social experiment done by two guys - One an Afro-American and the other…
Such a Small Innocent Headline Could Be So Dangerous

Such a Small Innocent Headline Could Be So Dangerous

The Pandora’s Box that a 16 year old boy opened on an unfiltered cell phone can ensnare anyone
“We Stopped Being Open on Shabbat and Earn 10 Times More Now!”

“We Stopped Being Open on Shabbat and Earn 10 Times More Now!”

More and more Israeli vacation attraction sites started closing for Shabbat and felt immediate blessings at home and in their…
A Night at the Cemetery

A Night at the Cemetery

It should have been a sobering experience for a drunkard to spend a night in the cemetery but something happened
6 Reasons for Male Infertility

6 Reasons for Male Infertility

Male infertility used to be rare but now almost 50% of couples now need to deal with it
Society Demands so Much! I Just Want to Let Go!

Society Demands so Much! I Just Want to Let Go!

We’re slaves to technology and what society thinks a woman should look like and how our kids should act, how…
“Why Did You Sit in a Russian Jail?”   

“Why Did You Sit in a Russian Jail?”   

Chaim Walder’s open letter to Natan Sharansky
7 Tips to Help Your Digestive Tract

7 Tips to Help Your Digestive Tract

You’ll be healthier all around if you follow these tips
Another Terror Attack at Damascus Gate

Another Terror Attack at Damascus Gate

Russia is opposed to the backlash against North Korea
No Child Should be Left Behind

No Child Should be Left Behind

"Without a Jewish education, intermarriage is the best that can happen! It's all downhill from there
Google Heaven, Am I Gonna Die Today?

Google Heaven, Am I Gonna Die Today?

When does free will work and when does divine intervention?
Wonders of Creation: Volcanic Eruption in Chile

Wonders of Creation: Volcanic Eruption in Chile

Spectacular footage of a sudden volcanic eruption in Chile. See thrilling documentation, illustrating the Wonders of Creation
‘May Each Man Sit in Safety Under his Fig Tree and Under His Grapevine’

‘May Each Man Sit in Safety Under his Fig Tree and Under His Grapevine’

This was President George Washington’s blessing to the Jewish community in Newport Rhode, Island 1790
800 Apartments to be Built in Jersualem

800 Apartments to be Built in Jersualem

Italy and Austria diplomatic dispute regarding immigrants passing into Austria from Italy
Watch: 7 Minute Confrontation Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

Watch: 7 Minute Confrontation Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

Iranians and Saudis in a rare and public confrontation head to head. "Didn’t Iran create Hezbollah?” Iran is a state…
The Messiah’s Coming is Imminent

The Messiah’s Coming is Imminent

10 quotes from Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman in honor of his Yohrzeit today the 11th of Tammuz
Supermom! Lydia Mesilati was a Foster Mother for 20 Children

Supermom! Lydia Mesilati was a Foster Mother for 20 Children

These 26 are mine! True 6 were born to me but my foster children were mine in every way
Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

How can we stop the idea that everything is coming to us? Can we let our children feel everything is…
History Repeats Itself – Parshat Balak

History Repeats Itself – Parshat Balak

The holy soul of Elijah the Prophet will return at the End of Days to balance out the situation once…
Jerusalem Terror Attack Aborted

Jerusalem Terror Attack Aborted

North Korea successfully test launched an ICBM capable of reaching the continental US
Clarifying the Purpose of Life

Clarifying the Purpose of Life

Traditional Jewish belief teaches that there is an objective “starting point” that applies equally to everyone and everything in the…
“I Left Being a Successful Opera Singer and Didn’t Look Back!”

“I Left Being a Successful Opera Singer and Didn’t Look Back!”

Coming back to Judaism in essence allows me to enjoy music and singing so much more than previously possible
Watch: Wonders of Creation: The Incarnation of a Butterfly

Watch: Wonders of Creation: The Incarnation of a Butterfly

A moving film created by the photographer Eitan Asraf – The birth of a butterfly photographed with no less than…
Israeli Drone Falls in Gaza

Israeli Drone Falls in Gaza

Children’s imported toy jewelry in Israel were found to have been made with toxic substances
Kosher Fish Go Against The Flow!

Kosher Fish Go Against The Flow!

Jews always go against the flow but how do they do it?
Polishing Diamonds

Polishing Diamonds

With a good eye you will spot the diamonds when everyone else sees dirt
Watch: Elephant Enjoys Mud Sliding

Watch: Elephant Enjoys Mud Sliding

Who said elephants don’t know how to enjoy themselves? See how this elephant enjoys a slippery ride down a muddy…
Israel Celebrates 4th of July with America

Israel Celebrates 4th of July with America

Flight delays in Ben Gurion Airport due to undisclosed security event
Can I use Marijuana or Alcohol to get Happy According to Jewish Law?

Can I use Marijuana or Alcohol to get Happy According to Jewish Law?

Find out what's the difference between alcohol and drugs according to Jewish law
Lighting Shabbat Candles, What’s it All About?

Lighting Shabbat Candles, What’s it All About?

Why do women light Shabbat candles to usher in the Shabbat?
Drinking Water: What are the Benefits?

Drinking Water: What are the Benefits?

Besides not dehydrating there are many other benefits too
You Make Sense and Yet You’re Wrong

You Make Sense and Yet You’re Wrong

Give him what he needs, not what you think he needs
New Record for Electricity Consumption in Israel

New Record for Electricity Consumption in Israel

Hundreds of people dehydrated in Israel’s heat wave which won’t end for two more days
More Heat Wave Survival Tips

More Heat Wave Survival Tips

The heat has yet to peak tomorrow; here are instructions from emergency responder organizations on how to survive the heat…
Why Do I Need All These Setbacks?

Why Do I Need All These Setbacks?

G-d wants to make sure we’re not just a ‘fair weather friend’ and we stick with Him through thick and…
‘My Brothers and Sisters, the People of Israel Gave Me a Great Big Hug’

‘My Brothers and Sisters, the People of Israel Gave Me a Great Big Hug’

Racheli Frankel says “our nation must keep its ability to unite and be there for each other”
Gallery: Unintentional Shadow Images

Gallery: Unintentional Shadow Images

The shadows these objects create will surely surprise you
​The US Aircraft Carrier SS George H.W. Bush Docked in Haifa Port

​The US Aircraft Carrier SS George H.W. Bush Docked in Haifa Port

Trump has no patience for North Korea, the Netanyahu's honor Shabbat in Strasbourg
If I Were a Rich Man

If I Were a Rich Man

Can I ever be rich?
How Should My Shabbat Table Look?

How Should My Shabbat Table Look?

You're actually supposed to enjoy delicacies on Shabbat and that's holy
Will Jerusalem’s Children Get into the Guinness Book of Records?

Will Jerusalem’s Children Get into the Guinness Book of Records?

Both Jewish and Arab kindergarten students will participate in this creative project
Survival Tips for a Heat Wave

Survival Tips for a Heat Wave

Fan or air-conditioner, how much water should I drink? Ministry of health instructions
Through the Lens of a Marine Biologist – Breathtaking Images

Through the Lens of a Marine Biologist – Breathtaking Images

A professor of marine biology, Audun Rikardsen, who grew up in Norway and specializes in the study of whales, presents…
Staying On Track

Staying On Track

What do I do to stay on track in this world? Which track do I take?
What is Judaism?

What is Judaism?

How do you define it?
Wherever I Am, I’m Responsible!

Wherever I Am, I’m Responsible!

People can't just do things and expect there will be no consequences
“Miracles Happen Every Day, I’m One of Them!”

“Miracles Happen Every Day, I’m One of Them!”

Susan Lindley shares the details of the miracles she experiences in her fight against colon cancer since 1998
Ancient Cloth from King David’s Time Found

Ancient Cloth from King David’s Time Found

More shells fall in the Golan during Netanyahu's visit there
BBC May Not be Anti-Semitic, Just Plain Rude

BBC May Not be Anti-Semitic, Just Plain Rude

With one sentence they managed to offend both Jews and Muslims
Morality in the Mirror

Morality in the Mirror

How do you know when you're right? How do we know that our beliefs are really true?
From Russian Jail to Russian Parliament

From Russian Jail to Russian Parliament

Former ‘refusenik’, Speaker of Knesset Yuli Edelstein closes a circle speaking in Hebrew in the Russian Parliament
Jon Morrow’s Message: “If I Can Do It You Can Too!”

Jon Morrow’s Message: “If I Can Do It You Can Too!”

Suffering from a chronic terminal illness, Jon Morrow became a millionaire by inspiring millions of people to give it their…
10 Facts About the Lubavitcher Rebbe on His Yohrzeit

10 Facts About the Lubavitcher Rebbe on His Yohrzeit

Today the 3rd of Tammuz is the day the Lubavitcher Rebbe left this world 23 years ago; here are some…
The Fish Who is a Man’s Best Friend

The Fish Who is a Man’s Best Friend

This fish always visits the diver that saved his life 25 years ago! Perhaps the power of appreciation is inherent…
An Inexplicable Sin (Parshat Chukat)

An Inexplicable Sin (Parshat Chukat)

Anger has no place in our lives
What Can We Learn from Japanese Broken Pottery?

What Can We Learn from Japanese Broken Pottery?

An astounding and empowering lesson specifically from something broken
Can the Venom of the Deadly Green Mamba Snake Save Failing Kidneys?

Can the Venom of the Deadly Green Mamba Snake Save Failing Kidneys?

A French study found that the venom of the green mamba an especially deadly African snake the Green Mamba can…
Israel Attacks in Gaza

Israel Attacks in Gaza

Reform movement is against the Government
“I’m a Jewish Girl and He Was an Arab Boy; What Was I Thinking?”

“I’m a Jewish Girl and He Was an Arab Boy; What Was I Thinking?”

It started with looks, continued with conversations and ended with violence and being put to shame
Did you Ever Visit a Booth for Compliments?

Did you Ever Visit a Booth for Compliments?

Guy Shani is a “Compliments Coach” and he will teach us the lost art of complimenting someone and being kind
Research Proves Talmud’s Statement: Olive Oil is Good for Your Memory

Research Proves Talmud’s Statement: Olive Oil is Good for Your Memory

A diet rich in olive oil stops Alzheimer’s disease even in mice genetically predisposed to the disease
Israel Prepares for Heat Wave

Israel Prepares for Heat Wave

60 buildings fail fire code in the UK
Jewish Parents, a Disappearing Breed

Jewish Parents, a Disappearing Breed

Most Jews will have no next generation to succeed them; this is a quiet demographic holocaust
Are Miracles Real?

Are Miracles Real?

Or are they just lucky?
Watch: Wolf Chases a Mountain Gazelle – Breathtaking

Watch: Wolf Chases a Mountain Gazelle – Breathtaking

Last weekend, in the Judean Desert cliffs: The Israel Nature and National Parks Protection Authority has documented a fascinating pursuit…
12 Facts about Joseph in Honor of His Yohrzeit

12 Facts about Joseph in Honor of His Yohrzeit

The 1st of Tammuz is the day Joseph died over 3400 years ago in the year 2309
Israel Retaliates Against Syria for Firing into It

Israel Retaliates Against Syria for Firing into It

IDF: “We consider these events as serious and won’t tolerate any attempt to harm Israel’s sovereignty or safety of its…
Judaism Today- Jews Are Dissapearing; What Can We Do About It?

Judaism Today- Jews Are Dissapearing; What Can We Do About It?

Statistics show that a few generations down the line the number of Jews (reform, conservative etc.)remaining is dwindling. Only Orthodox…
Gallery of Miniature Trees: Trendy in China and Japan

Gallery of Miniature Trees: Trendy in China and Japan

See a gallery of beautiful Bonsai and Dwarf trees. Bosnai is a Japanese art form using trees grown in containers.…
Watch: Biggest Great White Shark Ever Seen

Watch: Biggest Great White Shark Ever Seen

Most amazing footage caught on camera: Experts believe this is the biggest great white shark ever observed. See more Wonders…
I Forgot My Daughter in the Car

I Forgot My Daughter in the Car

I’m a public Traffic Safety officer you’d think I’d know better, but it can happen to anyone
Handicap Stipend Will Rise to a Realistic 4,000 Shekel a Month

Handicap Stipend Will Rise to a Realistic 4,000 Shekel a Month

The Government will preserve the status quo to prevent Shabbat desecration
When the New Month Comes Out on Shabbat it’s a Special Time

When the New Month Comes Out on Shabbat it’s a Special Time

It gets a special double holiness of both days, 5 points to consider about this coming Shabbat
How Do You Find the True Religion?

How Do You Find the True Religion?

There are a lot of confusing choices out there... which one is the right one?
My Marriage is On The Rocks – What Do I Do?

My Marriage is On The Rocks – What Do I Do?

Rabbi Schonbuch discusses different things to do
Watch: Every Muslim Knows Israel Belongs to the Jews

Watch: Every Muslim Knows Israel Belongs to the Jews

Sheikh Mohammed Tavidi explains in a simple short clip why Israel can’t belong to Muslims. “It’s simple history, simple geography”.…
7,000 apartments to be built in Jerusalem

7,000 apartments to be built in Jerusalem

Terrorist Stabs Policeman in Michigan Airport, UN to sponsor Anti-Semitic Conference
US Palestinian Point of Contention: Payments to Terrorist Families

US Palestinian Point of Contention: Payments to Terrorist Families

Jared Kushner flew into Israel yesterday, met with Netanyahu, then with Abu Mazen and already flew back to the US
How Do I Stop People from Taking Advantage of Me?

How Do I Stop People from Taking Advantage of Me?

I go from fighting for my rights to bending over backwards. How do I stop this?
Are We Alone in the Universe?

Are We Alone in the Universe?

NASA found a few thousand planets beyond our solar system with 10 having conditions similar to earth
I Would Have Sent my Kids to Catholic School 

I Would Have Sent my Kids to Catholic School 

By accident I found the Hidabroot website and that changed everything
Parshat Korach – Overcoming the Negativity Within

Parshat Korach – Overcoming the Negativity Within

We were all born with negative traits but we can ask G-d to help us repair them
Torah Advice for Domestic Harmony

Torah Advice for Domestic Harmony

2 pieces of advice that can make a world of difference
Jump Starting the Peace Talks

Jump Starting the Peace Talks

Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt are her to visit Leaders in Jerusalem and Ramallah to promote negotiations
Why Are Orthodox Jews So Different?

Why Are Orthodox Jews So Different?

Because they are careful about the details
Modiin Students Discover Buried Treasure

Modiin Students Discover Buried Treasure

They found a 900 year old collection of women’s jewelry during archaeological digs in Modiin
Terrorist Killed Attempting to Stab Soldiers in Binyamin

Terrorist Killed Attempting to Stab Soldiers in Binyamin

US publicizes the killing of the senior most ISIS religious leader last month
I Came From a Dysfunctional Family, Is there Hope for Me?

I Came From a Dysfunctional Family, Is there Hope for Me?

I feel my past is impacting the way I treat my wife and kids. What do I do?
Failed Paris Terror Attack

Failed Paris Terror Attack

UN helps Assad, Iran threatens Israel with boisterous talk
Watch: Newborn Baby Monkey in its Mother’s Arms

Watch: Newborn Baby Monkey in its Mother’s Arms

This little monkey just entered the world at the Brookfield zoo. Watch a video that will warm your heart
A Mother’s Tears

A Mother’s Tears

A mother's tears can move the heavens for their children
Buying Eternity with Used Up Bottles

Buying Eternity with Used Up Bottles

Conservation and supporting Torah in one shot a former clerk and soccer player warms up to Torah
The Hidabroot NY Convention – Get Spiritually Charged Up !

The Hidabroot NY Convention – Get Spiritually Charged Up !

Enjoy a Shabbat Retreat, a Motzei Shabbat Mega Event and a Sunday of Inspiration for Women. Inspirational keynotes by world…
Hamas: “We’re Not Interested in War”

Hamas: “We’re Not Interested in War”

Fire in Portugal claims 61 lives, terror attack in Mali
Watch: New Tanzanian Ambassador Pulls out Kippah & Recites Blessing

Watch: New Tanzanian Ambassador Pulls out Kippah & Recites Blessing

"If you put on your kippah, it must be you are going to say something sacred", said President Rivlin to…
The ‘J’ Team Is Coming to Israel

The ‘J’ Team Is Coming to Israel

Wall Street Journal reports Israel is supporting Syrian rebels, London terror outside mosque
Art, Judaism and Comic Books

Art, Judaism and Comic Books

Are comic superheroes divorced from Judaism or is there a hidden message behind them?
10 Astounding Facts about the Heart

10 Astounding Facts about the Heart

It beats about 100,000 times a day, what a miracle we have every day and moment of our lives
BBC Anti-Semitism Strikes Again!

BBC Anti-Semitism Strikes Again!

Friday night’s terror attach was “3 Palestinians killed after fatal stabbing in Jerusalem”, those poor ‘innocent’ Palestinians get the BBC…
The UN Keeps Earning its Reputation for Brazenness

The UN Keeps Earning its Reputation for Brazenness

First they deny Jewish ties to the Temple Mount, now they’re working on the Machpela Caves in Hebron, the burial…
Gallery: One-of-a-Kind Photos of Glowing Flowers

Gallery: One-of-a-Kind Photos of Glowing Flowers

American photographer Craig Burrows captures minuscule details of flowers that the human eye cannot detect. “There is no artist like…
Policewoman Killed in Old City Terror Attack

Policewoman Killed in Old City Terror Attack

Hadas Malka was stabbed and killed in a double terror attack and another policeman wounded
The Joy of Pain

The Joy of Pain

If G-d loves us, why does he inflict suffering upon us? In this short video clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid discusses…
Hamas Threatens That Israel Better Provide Electricity to Gaza

Hamas Threatens That Israel Better Provide Electricity to Gaza

Israel real estate went up in price; there may be more than 100 London fire victims
Love For a Moment and then What?

Love For a Moment and then What?

Don't look for unnecessary relationships, wait for the real deal, wait until you're married
Israel Making Centralized Emergency Call Center, Scalise Fights to Live

Israel Making Centralized Emergency Call Center, Scalise Fights to Live

Kalkiliya housing plan stirs up storm, petition to prohibit security prisoner visits
When Evil Breaks Down Your Gates

When Evil Breaks Down Your Gates

When everything is going great, that’s when the evil inclination breaks through your boundaries
Wonders of Creation: How Does a Snake Shed its Skin?

Wonders of Creation: How Does a Snake Shed its Skin?

Watch how a snake sheds its skin in front of the camera. Remarkable
Parshat Shelach: Seeing the Good

Parshat Shelach: Seeing the Good

If you see the good you will speak it too
Happiness is The Most Important Mitzvah!

Happiness is The Most Important Mitzvah!

Train yourself and your children in this great mitzvah
“My Doctors Gave Me Only 5 Years to Live”

“My Doctors Gave Me Only 5 Years to Live”

‘But I found a natural cure with G-d’s help’
A 39 Year Old Mother of 38 Children; How?

A 39 Year Old Mother of 38 Children; How?

“Well I gave birth to 44 but 6 died”
Watch Fascinating Footage of Hippopotamus Underwater

Watch Fascinating Footage of Hippopotamus Underwater

Watch how a hippopotamus opens up its gigantic mouth under water. Get a sneak preview of underwater beauty
Gaza Electricity Shortage Continues

Gaza Electricity Shortage Continues

Qatar foreign minister denies contact or providing support to Hamas or any terror organization
How Can I Become a Happy Person?

How Can I Become a Happy Person?

By appreciating our own bodies we can reach happiness
Watch: ‘Ever Seen a Flying Dog?’

Watch: ‘Ever Seen a Flying Dog?’

See amusing footage of a dog that is desperate to jump the fence
“G-d Took Away My Son, Now Whatever He Says I Do the Opposite!”

“G-d Took Away My Son, Now Whatever He Says I Do the Opposite!”

But after he smoked a cigarette on Yom Kippur G-d brought him back anyway and gave him the greatest gift
Can A Merchant Who Cheated His Customers Repent?

Can A Merchant Who Cheated His Customers Repent?

What is ‘theft from the public’ and how do you repent on this sin? 10 facts to know
“I Merited Visiting the Western Wall, I Feel Blessed”

“I Merited Visiting the Western Wall, I Feel Blessed”

Says Ivanka Trump during interview with ‘Fox & Friends’
One Man’s Garbage, Another Man’s Books

One Man’s Garbage, Another Man’s Books

Jose Alberto Gutierrez, a sanitation man amassed over 20,000 books thrown in the garbage to make a community library in…
Is The IDF Preparing for the Next Round Against Hamas?

Is The IDF Preparing for the Next Round Against Hamas?

Terrorists behave similar to an animal which will try to lash out when cornered and the Hamas is cornered
All is For The Best

All is For The Best

If we realize this we make peace with the things we can't understand
Female Terrorist Drops Knife in Panic

Female Terrorist Drops Knife in Panic

Israel contemplating closing the Israeli office of Al-Jazeera
Are French Fries a Life Endangering Food?

Are French Fries a Life Endangering Food?

Modern research says to watch out for it
Lion Chases Giraffe – See the Surprising End

Lion Chases Giraffe – See the Surprising End

A hungry lion pursues a giraffe, but then the unexpected happens, a new player comes into the picture. See the…
The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

I didn’t like rice but when my neighbor made it I loved it!
I was Looking for Mrs. Right and I Found Her!

I was Looking for Mrs. Right and I Found Her!

Mrs. Right: “My profile was on the site for only one day and that was enough”!
Amar’e Stoudemire Learns Torah Wears Tzitzith and Keeps Kosher

Amar’e Stoudemire Learns Torah Wears Tzitzith and Keeps Kosher

He lives in Jerusalem and feels a strong bond to the Jewish nation
How Can I Connect with G-d?

How Can I Connect with G-d?

This connection is the next step in developing faith and trust in G-d
5 Reasons Secular Jews Want Shabbat to Remain a Day of Rest

5 Reasons Secular Jews Want Shabbat to Remain a Day of Rest

Why is there such a big non-religious lobby in Tel Aviv against opening stores on Shabbat?
How Do I Know G-d is With Me?

How Do I Know G-d is With Me?

Look back at your life and see how many times G-d intervened.
How Can You Light Up Your Life?
Parashat Behaalotecha

How Can You Light Up Your Life?

Talking to G-d is a skill you can learn which will light up your life
Wonders of Creation: Utopia of Waterfalls

Wonders of Creation: Utopia of Waterfalls

These falls will not leave you with many choices but to enjoy their magical beauty, and thank G-d more intensely…
New Details about London Terror Attack

New Details about London Terror Attack

Terror tunnel found under UNWRA School building in Gaza, Conservatives lose majority in UK
It’s All From Above

It’s All From Above

True faith in G-d requires one to firmly believe that everything that happens is Straight from Above
15 Astounding Facts About the Brain

15 Astounding Facts About the Brain

No computer comes close to it in complexity and ability
G-d Can Deliver!

G-d Can Deliver!

Not only does he love you and want you to talk to him, he can deliver!
The More I Amassed the Emptier I Felt!
Parashat Behaalotecha

The More I Amassed the Emptier I Felt!

Be humble, one who acts with humility, develops his soul and his relationship with G-d attains true pleasure
Wonders of Creation: Chameleon Changes Colors in Slow Motion

Wonders of Creation: Chameleon Changes Colors in Slow Motion

Watch a chameleon changing color from orange to pink, then to green, light blue, gray and brown. “There is no…
It Depends How You Look At It

It Depends How You Look At It

We can choose how we see our spouse’s character traits
Israel and US Celebrate ‘Eternal Alliance’

Israel and US Celebrate ‘Eternal Alliance’

Nikki Haley prays at Western Wall, Trump sends condolences to Iran
Hezbollah- Israel’s Biggest Threat

Hezbollah- Israel’s Biggest Threat

UK Elections under the shadow of terror, Nikki Haley in Israel
Speak to G-d, He is Listening!

Speak to G-d, He is Listening!

Not only does G-d love you he wants to hear from you!
Mommy Thank You for “Drugging” Me!

Mommy Thank You for “Drugging” Me!

Jessica McCabe’s letter of gratitude to her mother for giving her Ritalin for her ADHD and thereby giving her a…
Ted Cruz: The Connection Between Jews and Jerusalem Can’t be Challenged

Ted Cruz: The Connection Between Jews and Jerusalem Can’t be Challenged

"The Historic connection between the Jewish People and Jerusalem and the Land of Israel did not begin in 1967, these…
The Father of Modern Day Yeshivot

The Father of Modern Day Yeshivot

Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin passed away on the14th of Sivan (This Wednesday night) Some facts about his productive life in…
Miriam’s Slander: Why Publicize the Sin?
Parashat Behaalotecha

Miriam’s Slander: Why Publicize the Sin?

Wouldn’t it be better to keep it hush to respect our leaders?
How Can You Know if Someone Needs Immediate Emotional Care?

How Can You Know if Someone Needs Immediate Emotional Care?

Identify the red lights warning you and the lines that shouldn’t be crossed in order to help people you know…
Leonard Cohen, a Lover of Judaism and Tradition

Leonard Cohen, a Lover of Judaism and Tradition

Correspondence between Leonard Cohen and Cantor Gideon Zellermeyer from The Shaar Shamayim Synagogue in Montreal shed some light on the…
Baby Teeth Related to Autism?

Baby Teeth Related to Autism?

Researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital find correlation between Autism and the amount of toxic substances absorbed in baby teeth
Saudi Arabia Warns Qatar, Assad’s Soldiers Killed in US Attack

Saudi Arabia Warns Qatar, Assad’s Soldiers Killed in US Attack

Terrorist attacks policeman in Paris with hammer, terror attack in Iranian Parliament
New Hospital in Ashdod, UN Secretary Against Israel

New Hospital in Ashdod, UN Secretary Against Israel

The Sea of Galilee is dangerously low, man killed in dangerous Kfar Kassem riots
G-d Loves You!!

G-d Loves You!!

Knowing that, you can proceed to have faith in Him
Watch: Thousands of Pineapples on the Move

Watch: Thousands of Pineapples on the Move

See how quickly these workers get these delicious looking pineapples from the field to the truck in seconds. Fascinating cooperation
See How Puppy Dog Takes On Lion Cubs

See How Puppy Dog Takes On Lion Cubs

The puppy in the video may seem small and harmless; though wait till you see how he takes on lion…
What the Ethiopians Suffered to Get to Israel

What the Ethiopians Suffered to Get to Israel

Over 4,000 died on their journey to Israel and never realized their dream
I Believe in G-d, or Do I?

I Believe in G-d, or Do I?

What does it mean to have faith in G-d?
From Khan Yunis to Judaism

From Khan Yunis to Judaism

Shahar Yitzchak Amnon dreamt of becoming a Jew but almost didn’t live to see the day…
Get Enough Sleep! Or Else!

Get Enough Sleep! Or Else!

Certain brain cells begin to consume healthy brain cells during sleep deprivation
Watch: Parrot Shows Off his Skills

Watch: Parrot Shows Off his Skills

This talented parrot will fascinate you with his imitation skills. Gone viral
Israeli Invention Stops Brain Tumors From Growing

Israeli Invention Stops Brain Tumors From Growing

This helmet creates an electric field around the tumor preventing it from growing; will it work for other cancers too?
I’m Good With G-d without His Commandments !

I’m Good With G-d without His Commandments !

Speaking to G-d is a wonderful thing but make sure to take out your earplugs so you can hear what…
When Does Shabbat Begin if Sundown is 3 AM?

When Does Shabbat Begin if Sundown is 3 AM?

In the summer Estonia has 10 minutes of night. When does Shabbat start? When does it end?
“What Do I Do, I Can’t Read and Write?”

“What Do I Do, I Can’t Read and Write?”

You’ll never earn a living if you go to Israel
Danon Uncovers UNWRA Lies, Terror Attack in London

Danon Uncovers UNWRA Lies, Terror Attack in London

NY Times reveals Israel 6 day war plans of nuclear bomb
What Compliments Do For Your Spouse

What Compliments Do For Your Spouse

Compliments are extremely important benefitting your marriage in both short term and long term
Uncovering the Hidden Reality

Uncovering the Hidden Reality

What is really going on in my world? How can I find out what's behind the scenes?
The 10th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

The 10th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

Only the Torah has any compelling historical source that makes it authentic and documents its divinity
The Tremendous Power Within Us

The Tremendous Power Within Us

How can you fulfill your true potential?
Wonders of Creation: Gallery of Transparent Butterflies

Wonders of Creation: Gallery of Transparent Butterflies

The Greta oto is a unique butterfly that has transparent wings. These clear wings make it extremely difficult for predators…
Watch: Misleading & Confusing 3D Paintings

Watch: Misleading & Confusing 3D Paintings

Amazing artistic paintings designed by a number of talented and quick painters. The paintings are misleading and exceptionally confusing. More…
Judge People Favorably

Judge People Favorably

Rabbi Goldwasser shares a story that conveys the importance of judging others favorably
Shavuot: Stop and Take Stock of All Your Gifts!

Shavuot: Stop and Take Stock of All Your Gifts!

Shavuot has less preparation than other Jewish holidays precisely for this reason
The Power of the Blessings on Torah Study

The Power of the Blessings on Torah Study

10 facts you may not have known about the inherent power of the blessing we say before learning Torah and…
Huge Explosion in Kabul

Huge Explosion in Kabul

Truck explodes in Kabul diplomatic district killing 90 people and injuring over 400 including 11 US citizens
Watch: How to Make Mini Cheesecakes for Shavuot

Watch: How to Make Mini Cheesecakes for Shavuot

Learn how to make mini cheesecakes in 30 seconds
How Can I Stop Fighting with My Spouse?

How Can I Stop Fighting with My Spouse?

We communicate okay but can't stop fighting! What's going on?
Will I Ever Be Happy?

Will I Ever Be Happy?

Years of therapy didn't help and alternative therapies also didn't help... What do I do now?
The Power of a Mother’s Love

The Power of a Mother’s Love

There’s No Stopping You When Your Mother Believes in You
Trump and Abu Mazen Behind Closed Doors

Trump and Abu Mazen Behind Closed Doors

What really happened at their meeting last week in Bethlehem?
How do Giraffes find a Comfortable Sleeping Position?

How do Giraffes find a Comfortable Sleeping Position?

In this unique gallery you’ll see how giraffes manage to relax their long necks and find a satisfying sleeping position
Kindness Creates Salvation

Kindness Creates Salvation

When you’re kind to someone you may be saving yourself
2000 Years Ago They Kept Kosher

2000 Years Ago They Kept Kosher

Archaeological digging in ancient Jerusalem refuse dumps shows people in Jerusalem ate kosher…
Watch: World’s First Drone Jump

Watch: World’s First Drone Jump

A Latvian parachuter has accomplished the first ever parachute jump from a drone. See breathtaking footage of the jump from…
How Can I Bring My Friend (I Mean Myself) to Connect to G-d?

How Can I Bring My Friend (I Mean Myself) to Connect to G-d?

The only thing that will work is kind words to your friend and/or to yourself
Azaria Family Seeks Total Acquittal, IAF Attacks in Sinai Peninsula

Azaria Family Seeks Total Acquittal, IAF Attacks in Sinai Peninsula

12th Manchester Terror Suspect Brought in for Questioning, Homeland security concerned with terror threat
Is Shavuot a Man’s Holiday?

Is Shavuot a Man’s Holiday?

Not if you hear the message of Ruth
Ruth: 10 Facts About Our Amazing Mother of Royalty

Ruth: 10 Facts About Our Amazing Mother of Royalty

King David, Ruth’s great grandson was born and passed away on Shavuot
Seeing the Sounds

Seeing the Sounds

Why did God want us to 'see the sounds' when the Torah was given at Mount Sinai? Why was it…
How Can I Deal With My Narcissistic Spouse?

How Can I Deal With My Narcissistic Spouse?

I've tried alot of things but nothing seems to help!
Prisoner Hunger Strike Ended, More Intelligence Leaks from Trump

Prisoner Hunger Strike Ended, More Intelligence Leaks from Trump

Trump administration wants to expedite Israel Palestinian peace talks
Savory Cheese and Olive Muffins

Savory Cheese and Olive Muffins

Easy to prepare and delicious
Bamidbar/ Shavuot:  Of Flowers and Weeks

Bamidbar/ Shavuot:  Of Flowers and Weeks

We became a nation in the desert and we had failures in the desert but we sprouted fourth
Probiotics For Depression?

Probiotics For Depression?

According to a new Canadian study probiotics used to improve irritable bowel syndrome also improved patients’ depression
“We Will Expedite the Peace Negotiations for a Final Agreement”

“We Will Expedite the Peace Negotiations for a Final Agreement”

The US is hoping to jump start negotiations in Washington DC within a month or two
Hashem Doesn’t Owe You Children

Hashem Doesn’t Owe You Children

But if you go above and beyond your obligations, G-d will go above and beyond His
Netanyahu Undergoes Medical Procedure, Policeman Stabber Dies

Netanyahu Undergoes Medical Procedure, Policeman Stabber Dies

Former PM of Greece injured from car bomb, 12 year old girl missing in Israel since Sunday
I’m Still Stressed Out Even After Extensive Therapy!

I’m Still Stressed Out Even After Extensive Therapy!

What can EMDR do for me that regular therapy can't?
Nostalgia: This is what Jerusalem Looked like 52 Years Ago

Nostalgia: This is what Jerusalem Looked like 52 Years Ago

Video footage of Jerusalem 52 years ago, after the miraculous victory of the Six-Day War
Addictions – Hitting Rock Bottom

Addictions – Hitting Rock Bottom

What does someone addicted do to get out of his addiction? He must first admit he needs help and that…
Life Is Short; You Need to be Happy Every Moment of It

Life Is Short; You Need to be Happy Every Moment of It

Chagit Navi Ambar lost her son but now she takes care of G-d’s children, the teens that are struggling
Pray For Your Children, Today!!

Pray For Your Children, Today!!

The day before Rosh Chodesh Sivan is the most auspicious time to pray for the welfare of your children; do…
You Won’t Believe Where Kosher Food Comes From!

You Won’t Believe Where Kosher Food Comes From!

Kosher supervisors have access to countries who are officially enemies of Israel
At Yad Vashem, Trump Also Honored Emily

At Yad Vashem, Trump Also Honored Emily

Without fanfare, Trump met Emily, a 10 year old girl fighting cancer for 7 years in a side room of…
Pilot from Ecuador Captures Images of Incredible Thunderstorms

Pilot from Ecuador Captures Images of Incredible Thunderstorms

A pilot named Santiago Borja, from Ecuador, displays a breath-taking gallery of thunderstorms from a pilot's view. Images from around…
Ezra Schwartz’s Mother Speaks in UN

Ezra Schwartz’s Mother Speaks in UN

Barghouti gets medical checkup and taken back to prison to continue his hunger strike with the rest of his fellow…
Bulls Eye! We Shot But G-d Guided it to the Target!

Bulls Eye! We Shot But G-d Guided it to the Target!

There’s no other explanation for shooting a mortar blindly and hitting the target straight on, not once but twice
Samuel The Prophet’s Yohrzeit

Samuel The Prophet’s Yohrzeit

10 facts in honor of the day of his passing
How Can I Make a Commitment?

How Can I Make a Commitment?

Entering marriage and accepting Torah are big commitments. where do I get the courage to follow through?
Creeping Plants Invade an Abandoned Fishing Village in China

Creeping Plants Invade an Abandoned Fishing Village in China

This is what happens when people abandon their place of residence, and an entire village is left deserted without a…
UK Critical Alert Manchester Bombing, ISIS attack Philippines

UK Critical Alert Manchester Bombing, ISIS attack Philippines

Terror is on the loose in the UK, Philippines and of course the Middle East
Western Wall Jerusalem Facts You Should Know

Western Wall Jerusalem Facts You Should Know

Here are some Western Wall facts in honor of Jerusalem Liberation Day
Why Can’t I Ever Get Anything Done?

Why Can’t I Ever Get Anything Done?

I always push things off... Why? Do you really want to know? I'll tell you tomorrow!
Jerusalem Liberation Day, for you too, Ahmed !

Jerusalem Liberation Day, for you too, Ahmed !

You benefit from all the amazing gifts Israel, the Oasis of the Middle East provides
Ivanka at Western Wall

Ivanka at Western Wall

It was deeply meaningful to visit the holiest site of my faith and to leave a note of prayer
Trump to Abbas: “We Have No Tolerance for Bloodshed”

Trump to Abbas: “We Have No Tolerance for Bloodshed”

  US President Donald Trump met in Bethlehem with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. After the meeting they both made statements…
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